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Lou Gentile Show (Part 4)
March 29, 2005
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
The complete interview is available on the Lou Gentile web site, to subscribed members.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
CHAT/EMAIL: [Since you say you have Zeta DNA so you can do ZetaTalk, would you be willing to have your DNA
NANCY: Well, its a small portion of my brain that had their DNA infused. They would have to slice up my brain and test all
of it to find that portion of my brain that deals with telepathy, to see if it has an altered DNA, and I would be dead. So the
answer is no.
LOU: [Boy, thats slick.]
NANCY: Well, theyre clever, them Zetas.
CHAT/EMAIL: [Will the erratic Moon cause high tides, devastation?]
NANCY: Heres the Zetas on that:
- We predict that the Moon will increase its extreme orbit at most. We have stated that the Moon will not leave the Earth, it hugs the Earth during the pole shift. It will not become one of the traveling moons of Planet X and trail off with it. Thus, it remains as a disturbed satellite of the Earth, and as far as tides, Nancy will tell you that she has heard from Master Captains who man bridges and watch the tides come in and out on the East Coast who have said that the tides are not as they are stated and have not been for some months. They are already disturbed but they will not be the problem that mankind needs to worry about. The sloshing of the oceans that will occur during the passage are caused by the fact that the crust has moved under the water, and those are the high tides that mankind needs to worry about.
- ZetaTalk
CHAT/EMAIL: [Who came first, the chicken or the egg?]
NANCY: Heres ZetaTalk on that:
- We have been asked that, and somewhere within the vast repository of ZetaTalk where ZetaTalk addressed it, obviously the chicken came first. Fish lay eggs, but you have to have the fish before you can lay eggs. If you trail back, from chicken to fish or whatever, you will get a creature that is merging, sexually, two DNA strands so therefore that is equivalent to the egg. That came before encasing that new embryo or fetus in a shell, which is the egg.
- ZetaTalk
CHAT/EMAIL: [Name the 4th star in Orion.]
NANCY: This is ZetaTalk:
- Since Nancy must be on the same page that we are, and is not in this matter, it is difficult to relay a concept where all the lights are out and she is groping about the room and stumbling on the furniture. This is why we do not relay ZetaTalk in Greek, we do not talk in math which she is not fluent in, and shes not fluent in the constellations of Orion. Thus we decline this question because Nancy would err or blunder. And we are doomed in this matter to work with the vehicle we have, which is a middle aged woman, or we should say retired and aging, in Wisconsin, who is only human and who is only versed in so much information in these many aspects she is queried about.
- ZetaTalk
CHAT/EMAIL: [Name the primary gas on the 3rd moon of Saturn.]
NANCY: This is ZetaTalk:
- Once again, Nancy is not versed in all the gasses that exist, and would blunder, and thus we decline this.
- ZetaTalk
LOU: [No point going through the rest of these, then.]
NANCY: And see if their poor pathetic vehicle here can speak to the issue, yeah. Im pretty good with social issues.
CALLER: [Will the chamber under the Pyramid, that has a timeline, be found?]
NANCY: OK, and heres the Zetas on that:
- As we have mentioned, the three giant pyramids were not built by man but by the giant hominoids that inhabit the passing planet, Planet X, which is also known as Niburu, and these giant hominoids also known as the Annunaki. They came to earth, being peers of mankind, like another race of man. They are much heftier, because their home planet has a gravity draw 50% greater than Earth. So they stand 8 foot tall on average with a massive bone structure and muscles to follow, and intimidates man whom they enslaved and used to mine gold which they use to for their planets atmosphere in order to retain more heat and light on their planet in its long travels through dark space on its passage. The giant pyramids were erected as navigational devices because the passage of this planet coming every 3,600 years required many generations to pass and they wanted their great great grandchildren, etc, to be able to say when I look down this narrow tunnel, and I see a red light reflected on this pool of water, that means the planet has come into the solar system and we should get ready to get into our rocket ships and blast off and try to drift and meet the planet. So therefore, they were sighting devices and no longer are accurate to point to Orion today, but they were for the passage they were constructed for. Thus, where mankind likes to believe that it relates to the current date, this is not their purpose, and they are seeking an explanation that is not correct. Therefore, what you stated, will not occur.
- ZetaTalk
CHAT/EMAIL: [Will we encounter the Photon Belt?]
NANCY: Yeah, I, Nancy, have heard of this. There was a guy, Sheldon Nidel, who wrote a book about this. At a certain
point we were supposed to pass through this Photon Belt. And actually, the Zetas have mentioned this, I think its in the
Awakening section of ZetaTalk they address this. They said the guy is a legitimate contactee, and under certain circumstances
that would have happened to the Earth, but it was one of these deals where mankind had to like move spiritually in certain
directions and didnt do so in a timely manner so we didnt pass through the Photon Belt. But he was speaking the truth as he
knew it, at the time, the author of that. Did that answer your question?
CALLER: [Why are the Zetas here? Do they live here? Why do they care about this place?]
NANCY: Very good question. Now, as far as the missing link, where man came from and evolution, or were we engineered
by God or created in 7 days, it doesnt, well, Im sure God fits in there some where, but we were genetically engineered.
Weve made several leaps forward, Neanderthal Man, Modern Man, etc. And the missing link is not found because these
genetic engineering projects happened on islands where they could control the DNA and manipulate it. When they had the
product they wanted, then we had a new cave man roaming about. We are making our next leap forward. And there really is
an administrative force in the Universe, like a police force. And actually soul development happens more rapidly when you
have consciousness and thats when souls will spark in a creature, which is why we have souls in humans, not necessarily in
frogs and birds. And once the soul is at a certain point, it can handle a higher intelligence and begin to travel around in the
Universe and the like. Were about to make that leap forward. So a new type of body for us to incarnate into, because
reincarnation does exist, is being engineered between Zetas and humans.
Which is why many contactees report ah, I was in a space ship, they put a baby into my arms, it was mine, that type of
thing. They are participating in this hybrid project, and I did also when I was a teenager. I gave a lot of ova and met one of my
children, and met him as an adult, also. So, were going to be reincarnated in the future into a hominoid that looks similar to
the Zetas, but has not the big black eyes but colored eyes, like ours, although large. Bald, small breasts, narrow bodies not
prone to fat, very high IQ, and have all the high tech space adventures that the Zetas do. They are here then, because they
were selected, because of compatibility with humans, to do this genetic engineering. Both have an iron based hemoglobin and
the like. And Earth will thus be their home when they reincarnate. And thats why they care about the process. They dont
want the Earth destroyed. They want the good people on Earth to progress through this transformation with a sense of love
and adventure rather than despair and hopelessness. They dont want to see Martial Law imposed. They dont want to see
the planet nuked and destroyed with nuclear waste. And they are trying to do what they can to guide us in the right direction
and move mattes in the right direction and prevent disasters. Did that address your question?
CHAT/EMAIL: [When are you going to point a cam toward the sky and tell us where Planet X is?]
NANCY: Pointing toward the Sun? Kind of silly. Theres the Sun, and Planet X is so much in the middle in relation to where
were looking at it, that I would be pointing at the Sun, the glare of the Sun, and saying there. And, ah, youd burn out the
camera. What would be the point? Were going to have the tail of Planet X point toward us, now, as the North Pole turns
toward us. And well have a lot more debris and moon swirls, red dust when that drama starts. Thats one of the best
indications of where it is. Look toward the middle, and thats probably where Planet X is. Of that swarming red mess.
LOU: [Thanks Nancy, see you next month.]
NANCY: Thank you, Lou.