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Stretching out into the ocean, Florida has a tenuous position during the coming cataclysms. The strikes against it are many. The land is too low to offer safe haven to tidal waves, which will roll over the state without hindrance, from one side to the other. When the Atlantic stretches, just prior to the shift, the lands closest to the equator will feel the draw the most, as this is where the Atlantic rifts are deepest. Thus, where land in the southeastern US will be pulled under to the degree that water may lap at cities high in the Appalachian mountains, along the eastern seaboard, it will surely pull Florida under the water long enough to drown the populace totally. Those in boats will find they must contend with whirlpools and sloshing water that can capsize even large ocean going vessels. And those in skyscrapers likewise should not assume that their foundations will not be undercut and eroded. This is not a safe place.
ZetaTalk ™
Florida will lose 150 feet in elevation overall due to the pole shift, but not more than a couple feet prior to the pole shift itself and only inches prior to the week of
stopped rotation. The void in the Atlantic that will cause the European tsunami is not enough to release the grip at the Atlantic Rift that maintains stable support for
the plates on either side of the rift. Where the Atlantic Rift will rip to a degree sufficient to create a tsunami headed for Europe, plate support remains, in the main,
due to deeper gripping action along the Rift. The void causing the tsunami is a surface crevasse, in essence. The largest impact on Florida will be due to its
connections with the Caribbean Plate. When the S American Plate rolls, this plate will be pushed down where it abuts the S American Plate, and all land along the
border with the Caribbean Plate will experience at least some loss of sea level as well.
Surprisingly, Florida escapes the devastation of the New Madrid fault line adjustment. As fault line maps show, The New Madrid will rip from Mexico to the Great
Lakes, on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains. The New Madrid adjustment is most devastating to land to the west of the Mississippi, which will drop
slightly in elevation along the river and slide to the SW. There is a sister fault line that connects with the New Madrid cluster of fault lines in the Gulf, and then runs
up along the eastern side of the Appalachian Mountains. This reaches all the way to Boston, the reason for church bells ringing. Florida sits in the center of this fault
line complex, relatively untouched. There is a reason that Florida is land, where all about her is water. She sits on a finger of rock that is attached to the
Appalachian Mountains, and thus this stability during the New Madrid adjustments.
ZetaTalk ™ July, 2010
Seismic activity in Florida is almost nil, as it has virtually no fault lines. The rock strata is young, and loosely connected to older rock inland. An analysis of the rock strata shows that the trembling in Flagler County is at the border where younger and older rock meet, and the point where quakes in the Florida region pick up. When the N American continent is pulled into a bow, loosely connected rock strata disconnect, often in a gentle manner! This is not perceived as an earthquake, as it is akin to stretch zone movement of the Earth - essentially silent.
ZetaTalk ™ April 9, 2011
Florida has many strikes against it. It is a narrow peninsula, so can be assaulted from both sides and washed over by tides that in other locales would only force the
residents to seek higher ground. It is in general lowland with such a low elevation that any of the set of circumstances set to unfold would put it virtually under
water. Southern Florida will be vulnerable during the 7 of 10 S American roll due to clashing water pulled into the sinking Caribbean rebounding. When the
Caribbean Plate is pulled down, causing water to rush toward the void off the coast of S America, there will be rebound back into the Gulf of Mexico. A simple
check of the overall elevation in Florida, and in particular south Florida, shows that a mere 15 foot temporary rise in sea level during such a time would put the tip
under water, from coast to coast.
The increasingly violent wobble will bring high tides to Florida, almost without warning and so erratic that predictions will be impossible. Then there are the Last
Weeks, where the tides will rush north and south during the severe wobble, 200-300 feet high. Florida will not survive the severe wobble, clearly, as the entire state
is under water at a 200 foot level. Florida will then be pulled down 150 feet during rotation stoppage, a permanent loss of elevation. And in the Aftertime Florida
will be merely a memory, being well under 825 feet of water where it formerly was at sea level. Since survival in south Florida is not possible, what are you waiting
for? Move!
ZetaTalk ™ September 24, 2011
Note Florida Howler commentary.