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California Firestorm
The Zetas predicted alternating drought and deluge in the years before the inevitable pole shift, and the
weather has indeed unfolded as predicted.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/29/2005: We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable
weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal
basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable.
ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Meanwhile
droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening, temperature swings
bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Arctic regions, with the violence of
storms increasing in number and ferocity. Is this as bad as it will get, prior to the pole shift when
hurricane force winds will sweep the Earth and every region of the globe will emerge with a new
climate and geography? Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its climax? We are
not here with good tidings, nor were we here with good tidings in 1995. ZetaTalk, blunt and
honest, is not for the faint at heart, but for those willing to take a serious warning and act on it.
Southern California has been subject to alternating drought and deluge, more extreme than usual. What
has deluge to do with the epic firestorm raging from northern Los Angeles to the Mexican border? Two
years ago this area had record rainfall, causing landslides, but this rainfall also caused the brush in the
area to proliferate. This was followed by record heat and drought, setting the stage for a firestorm of
epic proportions. The firestorm was fed not only by the dry brush, but also by the rains in earlier years
that provided tinder.
- Record 2005 Rain Caused Fires
October 24, 2007
- The record heavy rains in January 2005 that built up the fire fuel supplies to record levels.
Elaine and I were out in LA 2-years ago during those record rains/flooding - driving
around Burbank floor pan deep - and one of my colleagues said prophetically "You watch
the fires two years from now."
The epic firestorm in California was so fierce that emergency workers could do little more than get
people out of harm's way. It was remarkable that so few were killed. An estimated one million people
were evacuated.

- Raging Calif. Wildfires Force 1M to Flee
October 23, 2007
- Faced with unrelenting winds whipping wildfires into a frenzy across Southern California,
firefighters all but conceded defeat Tuesday to an unstoppable force that has already
chased nearly a million people away. Tentacles of unpredictable, shifting flame have
burned across nearly 600 square miles, killing two people, destroying more than 1,300
homes and prompting one of the biggest evacuations in California history, from north of
Los Angeles, through San Diego to the Mexican border.
Beyond the scope of the firestorm, a domino effect emerged, where one disaster creates another. In the
midst of the firestorm, San Diego almost lost power.

- San Diego Blackout Averted as Key Line Returns
October 24, 2007
- California wildfires created an electricity "island" of San Diego County on Wednesday but
a major blackout was averted when a key power transmission line to Arizona resumed
operation in the afternoon. The Southwest Powerlink is one of two major transmission
corridors that connect San Diego County to the U.S. West power grid. It had been out of
service since Sunday when wildfires approached it. The other major link in the north part
of the SDG&E service territory ceased operation about the same time the Southwest
Powerlink restarted. California had the most transmission lines out of service on
Wednesday than ever before.
Is this an example of what the future will bring? This and worse, say the Zetas.
Question: The recent California fires involved temporary, short, but nevertheless mass
migrations of nearly 1,000,000 people, and also demonstrated how quickly emergency services
can be overwhelmed. At the same time, everyone seems to be on good behavior, almost no
looting and lawlessness. Can the Zetas compare this to what will happen during the Passage?
Will we see more of the same from now on?
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/27/2007: We have stated that by the time the last weeks have arrived,
that emergency management crews will be so exhausted that they will turn a deaf ear when the
White House attempts to declare martial law or implement their agenda for world domination
and power. The political decapitation of the Bush administration is ongoing, is almost total at the
present time, but is not evident to the public as yet as all are still treating the White House
occupants as royalty. They are impotent, but allowed to preside over ceremonies. The fact that
the US military is no longer listening to Bush as Commander in Chief and that most federal
agencies have already cut loose from White House control, ignoring the civilian leadership Bush
attempts to impose upon them, is also not evident to the public as yet. It is the plethora of
disasters that will begin to strike the US and the rest of the world that will expose this to the
public eye.
The California firestorm, epic in proportions, was an example of how such disasters will negate
any preparations and overwhelm the emergency management systems. Even though an
occasional fire was doused, and the path of the fire occasionally diverted, the emergency
management teams quickly concluded they did not have the resources to do anything more than
to get people out of harm's way. This was possible because the roads had not been torn up by
earthquakes, the bridges were still intact, and communications possible. What would the situation
have been had the satellites not been working because the Earth wobble had skewed them out of
position, or if escape routes for those being evacuated had been blocked by broken roads and
bridges, or if the very shelters they had taken the evacuees to were collapsing onto the heads of
the aged and young children huddled there? What would have happened if the emergency
management teams were so stretched so thin that they could not attend to but a fraction of the
cries for help?
To date, disasters are singular, happening one at a time with a chance afterwards for the system
to recoup. What we have predicted are multiple and continuous disasters, with no letup. This is
coming, and each family, each individual, needs to anticipate saving themselves, and taking
themselves to safety, to safe locations, well before these times arrive.
Atlanta Goes Dry
Atlanta's primary water supply comes from inland lakes in the mountains above, lakes formed by
damming rivers. With normally abundant rainfall, the southeast US never anticipated the prolonged and
widespread drought that has stricken the southeast from Alabama to North Carolina.

- Atlanta Shudders at Prospect of Empty Faucets
October 22, 2007
- For more than five months, the lake that provides drinking water to almost five million
people here has been draining away in a withering drought. Sandy beaches have expanded
into flats of orange mud. Tree stumps not seen in half a century have resurfaced. Scientists
have warned of impending disaster. And life has, for the most part, gone on just as before.
In late September, with Lake Lanier forecast to dip into the dregs in less than four months,
the state imposed a ban on outdoor water use. State officials have defended their response,
saying the drought got very bad very quickly. And Georgia is not the only state in trouble.
The drought has afflicted most of the Southeast, a region that is accustomed to abundant
water and tends to view mandatory restrictions as government meddling. Lake Lanier is
part of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river system, which forms much of the
border between Georgia and Alabama.
- Drought chief: 17 N.C. Water Systems Now Near Crisis Point
October 23, 2007
- The number of North Carolina water systems that are near a crisis-level shortage has
nearly tripled in recent days. Seventeen water systems serving hundreds of thousands of
residents have regular water supplies of less than 100 days given current conditions,
including Raleigh, Durham and Monroe. North Carolina is in the throes of a drought that
was exacerbated by record high temperatures that evaporated lakes and reservoirs in the
summer and early fall. Climate and weather experts have projected the drought could
worsen with a winter expected to be drier and warmer than normal.
This is another example of drought and deluge, as the Southeast has also been subject to endless rain at
times in the last few years. But as we approach the time of the pole shift, major adjustments in thinking,
in how to approach living, will have to be made by everyone, worldwide. The availability of fresh water
is just one such issue.
Question: USA Today had on its front page a big headline basically stating that America and the
world in general are in the grips of an epic drough -- from Australia to Florida. How critical have
the water tables gotten in most of the key spots that use water for growing crops? There must be
crop shortages galore that we are not hearing about but will soon.
ZetaTalk Response 6/9/2007: We have predicted, from the start of ZetaTalk, great and
intractible droughts, and these have started in many parts of the world. In those lands where the
water table is dependent upon rain, it drops, and in those areas where land is sinking, such as
Florida, seawater often pollutes the ground water. Water for drinking will not be in such short
supply, as this is the minor need. It is water for crops heavily dependent upon water, such as
cotton, that will be set aside, and water for swimming pools, watering lawns, washing cars, etc,
will be forbidden. Crop shortages in any case are in your future, due to erratic temperatures and
alternating drought and deluge, both of which can kill crops by drowning seedlings or shriveling
them. The availability of water is thus only one issue affecting the ability of man to live in an
Bush Clones
In the September 30, 2007 Newsletter the Zetas revealed that the current President Bush is a zygote
multiple, one of several clones.
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/29/2007: There were 3 living clones who could act as President in 2000,
but the one acting as the public face during the early years of the presidency was so damaged by
cocaine and booze that he was considered out of control, and is secreted away, imprisoned, in
case they need a body in which case he would be killed. Another clone was approached by the
Puppet Master's agents and agreed to work with him. He is in Europe and could be substituted
for the clone acting as the US President at any time. We came forth with this information at the
present time as such an occurrence might happen, in our opinion, due to the collapse of the
current clone acting as President in the public view.
Is there any proof of this? Apparently, yes! The appearance of the president's nose changed
dramatically shortly around the time of the 2004 elections, even causing mention on the Letterman show.

- George W. Bush Nose Job?
February 09, 2004
- The President Bush pictures above are undoctored. The nose? Not so sure. The political
significance of this possible nose job? Zero.
- George W. Bush nose job story on "Late Show with David Letterman"
February 20, 2004
- Letterman: Here now is my favorite story of the week: a rumor that President George
Bush had a nose job, that he had some kind of plastic surgery, he actually had a nose job.
And I was thinking, well, if this is true it would be the first new job he's created since
taking office.
- ZetaTalk LIVE Chat October 20, 2007
- It appears that one is the bloated nose of a drunk and drug addict, and that the other is
simply polished and less bloated.
This is not the first time a dual Bush appearance has been noted. When President Bush served roast
turkey in Iraq on Thanksgiving in 2003, he was on the plane for long hours coming and going, and in a
tent for security reasons when in Iraq. He was noted to be pale faced in photos in Iraq, but when he
emerged after the flight back he had a deep suntan!

- Bush Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq for Thanksgiving Holiday
November 27, 2003
- The trip took about 30 hours, 27 of them in the air.
Was there a switch in clones at that time? Per the Zetas, yes. The clone who had been acting as
President since 2000 was put aside, due to damage from cocaine and alcohol.
ZetaTalk Explanation 10/20/2007: The current clone is much more comfortable with press
conferences than the clone in place after the 2000 election. By the 2004 election, this first clone
was in a type of prison, near Denver.
Video Clip on Steve Fossett
The Zeta Report 13 - Steve Fossett. Disappeared on Labor Day and never found.
Where did he go? Click on the image or click Here to watch.
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