The cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the inner solar
systems has faced many challenges. Before Planet X arrived in
the inner solar system in 2003, it relied primarily on ridicule
of the ZetaTalk message and takeover attempts. Nancy was painted
as being crazy or amusing, ignorant about scientific principles,
or out to make money or form a cult. When ZetaTalk continued to
increase in popularity, due primarily to its ability to tie
pieces of the puzzle together and relate occurrences to facts
rather than to theories, the cover-up tried inserting
alternative figureheads. Mark
Hazelwood is an example of an establishment takeover
attempt in 2002. Where is the plagiarizing Mark Hazelwood now?
Defunct, as he did not have the ring of truth that has always
been true of the ZetaTalk website.
- Amazon Book
July 4, 2002
- Definitely not
for the serious researcher. Most of the book was pieced
together from the works of other authors, so save your
money and go to Obviously Hazelwood did.
By 2003 ZetaTalk was world renowned and had reached beyond
Internet curiosity about UFOs and the alien presence. Due to
steady and long lasting debates on the sci.astro Usenet,
ZetaTalk had reached into the scientific community as well. More
than the ZetaTalk team of
viewers had searched for, and found,
the inbound Planet X at our
coordinates in observatories and with their own scopes.
The erosion of any hope the cover-up had to keep the lid on the
truth had begun. When it became obvious that a large gravity and
magnetic body was in the inner solar system, pushing the Earth
into a regular daily wobble and twisting the magnetosphere, NASA
and others fell silent. All attempts to air brush away or
stonewall this evidence failed, despite pointed ridicule
of Nancy Lieder by senior NASA officials.

ZetaTalk Comment
12/17/2011: Don't
the folks at NASA read? Dick Morrison and Don Yeomans are
senior folk at NASA! They are well acquainted with Nancy from
the days when she debated astronomers on sci.astro in 1997 to
2003. Nancy's name is mentioned at NASA amid gritting teeth
and stomach acid, such is their rage at ZetaTalk and their
frustration at not being able to eliminate the message. What
the public sees is the Sun in the wrong place, the Moon out of
place, and signs in the skies while NASA remains silent.
Given the determination at NASA to keep Nancy and the ZetaTalk
message out of the media, why would popular media outlets like
the Daily
Mail and Huff
Pro point directly at the CheckMark
Moon Swirl regularly showing up on the SOHO images? This points
directly at yet another player in the cover-up capers – the
massively wealthy and powerful Puppet Master.
- UFO Near The Sun: Curious NASA Photo
Stirs Debate
March 27, 2012
- On April 24, a
camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory seems
to have captured the image of something very large and
artificially constructed hovering perilously close to our
solar neighbor. "The streaks in question are consistent
with energetic particle (proton) impacts on the CCD,
something which is apparent in just about every image,"
Nathan Rich, of the NRL's solar physics branch, told the
website. "These artifacts do not persist from image to
image," Rich added, which suggests the cosmic streaks can
explain what UFO proponents are hoping turns out to be an
extraterrestrial craft.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/5/2012: We
have frequently alluded to the Puppet Master’s desire to see
Nancy and ZetaTalk in the media, because we have refused to
give him answers to some of his burning questions until he
does so. Until the 7 of 10 plate movements began playing out
in an undeniable fashion, proving once again the accuracy of
our predictions, he had mixed feelings about a media press. He
also felt that he could manipulate ourselves and Nancy into
giving him his answers, but we play this game of chess better
than he. The media had been told for years that any discussion
of a planet next to the Sun, in the inner solar system, was
verboten, forbidden. Weatherman were told not to mention
broken records continuously, although on occasion this would
be allowed or the public would be suspicious. The Earth wobble
was also strictly forbidden as a topic, despite the Sun and
Moon being out of position regularly. Thus, when instructed to
loosen up and start talking about these forbidden topics, the
talking heads were almost catatonic, unable to move. The
cover-up threatens so many lesser players, who can balk and
continue to threaten and plea with the media, that steady
erosion of the cover-up support in the media will need to
Yet another player has now entered the arena – the Council of
Worlds. The Zetas mentioned that shattering the cover-up is now
a priority, as Earth as a spiritual schoolhouse and the
opportunity for all Earth born souls to respond to the coming
Earth changes has been taken from them by the selfish motives of
those in the establishment. In March, the Council delivered the
first blow, and per the Zetas
are poised to deliver the second blow. The common man can only
stand and watch as the clash of the titans proceeds!
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/24/2012: For
30 hours the Earth appeared to be bombarded with magnetons
coming from a direction other than the Sun. This
certainly has the scientists of the world abuzz, and the
Internet talking. What could be affecting the magnetosphere of
Earth? We promised that the Council of Worlds was going
to war over the cover-up, and that there would be a series of
shocks to the cover-up. This was the first. We stated that
these shocks would be totally unexpected, not even something
that Nancy or her teammates could expect, and this
qualifies. Now, what’s next?
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/5/2012: Meanwhile,
the Council of Worlds has their own cards to play. The time is
nigh for the second punch to occur, to show the public that
the cover-ups claims that Global Warming and solar flares are
responsible for the current Earth changes are a lie. Look for
a more severe wobble, which could only be caused by the
presence of another large gravitational and magnetic body
between the Earth and Sun, to occur.
Elephant in the Room
Here’s what the cover-up is trying to deny - Planet X and its
vast tail of Moon Swirls and debris, showing up on SOHO.
Here are images just from early May, 2012. Note the signature
drifting tail behind each of the Moon Swirls. These images are
taken from a Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to these captures. NASA cannot
edit them out fast enough, and they show up almost daily.

And of course the steady drumbeat from the Red Filter Revolution
points to the loudly trumpeting elephant, with an occasional
note from a Second Sun sighting, as posted on the Pole
Shift ning blog for photo captures.

The elephant in the room was causing so much magnetic havoc on
Earth, twisting the magnetosphere on the simulators, that the
establishment shut down the Magnetic Simulator. But not before a
dedicated member of the Pole
Shift ning charted the increase. Why was the Magnetic
Simulator shut down? Because it was showing you the truth!

Arabian Plate Grind
The Zetas predicted that the boot of the Arabian Plate would
rotate as the Earth changes progressed, in response to the
African Plate roll. By the time of the Pole Shift, Iraq is
expected to be in flames due to ruptured oil wells, as the tip
of this plate churns through Iraq.

ZetaTalk Prediction
9/18/2010: We
have described the churning that will afflict Iraq as a
turning of the Arabian Plate, the boot. As the African Plate
rolls, and drops its rounded top toward the Indian Ocean, the
Red Sea pulls apart, the Afar Triangle in Africa pulls apart,
and the boot rolls. This turns the pointed top of the Arabian
Plate so it pushes through Iraq, which is what is building the
mountains that separate Iraq and Iran. This takes Jordan and
Syria for a ride, as they are in the rear seat and not where
compression is occurring. But all of Iraq is crushed into the
mountains along its border with Iran. This will explode the
oil fields in northern Iraq, heave and split the ground, and
make survival in this portion of Iraq very risky.
Do we have evidence that the boot is turning, during the 7 of 10
plate movements? We do indeed, on both sides of the boot. Israel
had methane gas released on several coastal cities, though the
government preferred to claim that it was an unknown source
rather than explain that plate movements are involved. After
all, other than solar flares or Global Warming, nothing is
happening, right? Since Planet X arrived in the inner solar
system in 2003 and instituted the Earth wobble in 2004, there
have been many such methane gas disturbances around the world,
as on this Earth Fart day in
- Pungent Chemical Smell Alarms Gush Dan
May 3, 2012
- The officials
reported low concentrations of gas in the air, which they
say do not pose a danger to public health. Officials from
the Environment Ministry were still in the dark.
- Criminal Probe Ordered Into Gush Dan
May 3, 2012
- The pungent odor
was described by the numerous people who complained to
municipal officials, police, and media as being chlorine,
bromide, insecticide, and similar “chemical” smells. It
believed the smell emanated from gas drilling operations
off the coast of Ashdod, but environmental experts note
that natural gas is odorless until butyl mercaptan or
thiophane is added as a safety precaution.
- Authorities still looking for cause of
chemical odor in central Israel
May 3, 2012
- During the
evening hours the possibility that it was caused by
chemicals used to disinfect land near Ramat Hasharon was
also discarded. Another possibility, also later discarded,
was that methane, an odorless gas, was emitted from an oil
drilling rig in the Mediterranean and drifted toward
central Israel, creating a chemical reaction with
polluting substances in the air - but none of the drilling
companies reported any malfunction causing gas emissions.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/5/2012: One
can see what happens as the Arabian Plate, the boot, rotates
in response to the Atlantic widening and the African Plate
rolling its top eastward and dropping. The plate border
that runs up through the Dead Sea pulls apart. This is the
classic stretch zone situation when rock layers are pulled
apart and release methane gas from organic material long
trapped between rock layers. Phew. Natural gas, as is known is
odorless, so this lets any drilling operations off the coast
off the hook. As during the famous Earth Fart day in 2007,
methane stinks, makes people ill, kills birds, and causes
panic as a gas or chemical leak is suspected. Israel is loath
to admit to its people that plate movement is occurring, so
And not days later, on the other side of the Arabian boot tip, a
devastating quake in Iran. Though listed as a mere magnitude 5.5
quakes, the devastation says otherwise. Note the location, just
opposite the Israeli stretch zone release of methane gas. The
boot tip was tilted toward the east, stretching Israel while it
crunched into western Iran. Clearly, plate movement in process.

- 518 Injured in Iran’s 5.5-Magnitude
May 3, 2012
- The deadliest
earthquake to hit Iran in recent years happened on Dec.
26, 2003, when a 6.6 magnitude quake struck Bam city and
the surrounding areas in Kerman province. The earthquake
left more than 26,000 people dead and some 30,000 injured.
Mountain Floods
A seeming contradiction during the 7 of 10 plate movements is
the degree of flooding during mountain building. Rivers that
cannot drain, or mountain lakes finding a breach in their banks
will create flooding as devastating as the encroaching sea along
the coastlines. Nepal, high in the building Himalayas,
experienced the
worst flood in human memory when a glacier lake burst its
- Many Killed and Missing as Glacial
Lake Burst in NepalE
May 5, 2012
- This is the first
such major tragedy in Nepal.
High in the Andes in Peru, flooding is proving to be
devastating. This is still attributed to rain, though the rainy
season is long past. Western Paraguay, also in the mountains, is
likewise devastated by flooding. Starvation looms. And all this
high in the mountains along the Andes! The headwaters of the
Amazon in Brazil are likewise affected, as the mountain building
in the Andes causes rumpling along the rivers, which cannot
drain as before.
- Heavy Rains Cause More Than 50 Deaths
Since November
May 4, 2012
- The rains have
affected all of Peru’s 25 regions, according to the
report, in a rainy season that has continued beyond the
usual November-March season, with losses recorded in urban
and rural areas, both of housing and crops.
- Floods affect 90% of the Paraguayan
April 29, 2012
- Most damaged communities are found
in the western Chaco, where thousands of homes have been
affected by the flooding of the River Pilcomayo.
- Over 70 Thousand People were Evacuated
due to Floods in Paraguay
April 26, 2012
- The 70 thousand people evacuated
belong to about 13 thousand 500 families living in
northern Paraguay, about 5 hours of Asuncion. The whole
region will need food for 6 months. There will be no
production for 6 months.
- Cities in Brazilian Amazon Face Worst
Floods in Years
May 6, 2012
- A swath of the Brazilian Amazon is
under a state of emergency as rivers overflow in one of
the worst floods on record. The floods have been caused by
the rising Rio Solimoes, one of the two main branches of
the Amazon river, in places like Anama lying west of
Manaus. While the region is experiencing one of the worst
floods in history, the country's northeast faces its worst
drought in the last 30 years, affecting well over 500
towns and cities. This is reportedly not the first
climatic crises that the country has faced in recent
years. In 2011, over 500 people died in floods in
south-eastern Brazil.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/4/2012: What
happens when mountain building occurs in the Andes, and
pressure from the crimp creates crumpling in the Andes. The
top portion of S America is free to pull to the west,
overriding the Caribbean Plate and the Cocos Plate just to the
west. But the bottom portion of S America is blocked by the
Nazca Plate, which resists. Crumpling in the crimp creates
folds, which are points on the crust which drop and heave,
More Albinos
The Zetas predicted an increase in albinism due to emanations
from the roiling core of the Earth. This prediction was made in
1996 and the increase has been explosive lately.
ZetaTalk Prediction
6/18/1996: If
color were a genetic quirk, then why the almost total absence
of color in creatures living in darkness? Coloration is
influenced by radiation, just as tanning takes place upon
exposure to sunlight. What is little understood is that this
phenomenon has two switches, one increasing coloration under
certain radiation frequencies, but another reducing coloration
under a different set of radiation frequencies. The core of
the Earth, emitting in greater bursts the radiation her
caverns and deep water creatures are bathed in, is confusing
her surface creatures.
This was last reported in this newsletter on February 5, 2012 in
Issue 279 but thanks to a running
discussion on the matter on the Pole
Shift ning there have been more new additions. Reaching
from the ground up, the albinos heralding the coming Pole Shift
started with the White Buffalo calves, moved to other land
creatures and to those that swim in the oceans, and now,
increasingly to birds. They roost in trees and fly in the skies,
yet the emanations have reached them too!
- 10 Straight Facts About Albino Animals
April 7, 2009
- Occasionally, the
eyes of animals with albinism appear red as it becomes
transparent due to the absence of pigment which allows the
retinal blood vessels to show through.
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