In 1994 a supposedly smuggled image taken by the Hubble made
its way to the world’s press. Embedded in the December 26, 1993
image was what looked like a
city grid, with lights, which was interpreted to be
“Heaven”. NASA would not officially release the image, but off
record many made comments. The Hubble was designed to take
images at a distance, and has thus taken breathtaking images of
nebula and star systems.

- Hubble Space Telescope
- The Hubble Space Telescope is a
space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in
1990, and remains in operation. With a 2.4-meter
(7.9 ft) mirror, Hubble's four main instruments
observe in the near ultraviolet, visible, and near
infrared spectra. The telescope is named after the
astronomer Edwin Hubble.
Per the Zetas it was not heaven that was imaged, far away, but
the Nibiru complex, inbound, and thus the excitement and
secrecy. The adjustments made to the Hubble were to allow it to
take an image nearby.

- Heavenly City Photographed by Hubble
June 17, 2011
- In 1994, a researcher was smuggled
one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken
of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was
the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s
findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to
acknowledge the existence of the photo. Dr. Masson
said: “The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to
photograph images as far away as the edge of the universe
but a lens flaw prevented it from doing so until shuttle
astronauts corrected the defect during a recent mission.
When they finished their work, the telescope trained its
enormous glass eye on the outer reaches of the universe.
From what I understand, the first images it received were
nothing more than kaleidoscopic bursts of color and light.
As adjustments were made and the focus sharpened, NASA
analysts couldn’t believe their eyes. After checking and
rechecking the data, they concluded that the images were
- Heaven Photographed by Hubble
February 8, 1994
- Just days after space shuttle
astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid
December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the
edge of the universe – and photographed heaven! That’s the
word from author and researcher Marcia Masson, who quoted
highly places NASA insiders as having said that the
telescope beamed hundreds of photos back to the command
center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.,
on December 26. The pictures clearly show a vast white
city floating eerily in the blackness of space. And the
expert quoted NASA sources as saying that the city is
definitely Heaven “because life as we know it couldn’t
possibly exist in icy, airless space. NASA spokesmen
declined to comment on the author’s report “pending
further analysis of the photographs received on December
26.” In spite of official silence, agency insiders concede
that NASA “has discovered something that might alter the
future of all mankind.” They also confirmed that President
Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have taken a keen
personal interest in the photographs and have requested
daily briefings.
ZetaTalk Insight
9/5/2015: What
did NASA image and why is this image being withheld from
public view? Of course most images are withheld, most
certainly any that would confirm the existence of Nibiru
during its closely watched approach in the years prior to
2003, and those images that would in any way imply intelligent
life elsewhere. This image fell into that category. Souls do
not need cities in which to live, as they exist without
physicality, without the need for bodies or supporting
environments. Nor would such a small structure as imagined in
these images be sufficient for all the souls in the Universe,
which is so vast it is beyond the imagination of man. Thus,
all the theories purported about this supposed imaged city are
absurd and merely play to the religious beliefs of some.
Since there is no link to the
NASA website, the image cannot be confirmed, thus the stories
can be repeated, unchallenged. Is there any validity to the
image, as portrayed? Hubble normally takes images from a
distance, covering a vast area. The reason the Hubble needed
to be adjusted was that they wanted to take an image nearby –
of the Nibiru complex. This was discovered on December 31,
1983 but in 1996, its inbound progress was to be determined.
Thus the interest of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. The Hubble
cannot take images beyond the Sun as the Sun burns the
mirrors, and the Orion complex is only visible during the
Winter months from the US. Thus the date of December 26, 1993
What is the supposed city
seen in the image? In that any astronomer talking to the
public about the validity of Nibiru and its inbound approach
was routinely assassinated, meeting with an accident or a
claimed suicide, those astonished NASA employees who blurted
about what had been imaged in 1993 were in danger. To protect
them, a false story was invented to explain the excitement
around the image, and the image was altered. Yes the image is
correct, no the image did not contain a city scape. It is not
Heaven that is in the light, it is Nibiru emitting the slow
smoldering light we have described. The two dominant Moon
Swirls which align on either side can also be seen.
In the early 1980’s, in the search for Planet X, aka Nibiru,
NASA had to rely upon an infrared balloon lofted high above the
atmosphere. In 1983 they sighted it, out in the direction of the
constellation Orion. This hit the front page of the Washington
Post on December 31, 1983 and then promptly went into cover-up
mode. What was sighted that day has never been released, but the
1993 image (with the superimposed cityscape) is the first image
at a distance released to the public.

- Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered
December 31, 1983
- A heavenly body possibly as large
as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth
that it would be part of this solar system has been found
in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting
telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know
if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby "protostar"
that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant
galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming
its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none
of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.
In 2003, when Nibiru began to enter the inner solar system,
coming close enough for amateur photographers and even high
powered binoculars to sight it, the photos started coming in.
But given the havoc Nibiru is causing on Earth, and the
catastrophes Nibiru is about to cause, most would hardly call it

EMP Walloping
Late in the day on August 31, 2015 a series
of events began in North America and over the Atlantic
that all pointed to a strong electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) in
process. Radar developed circular lines across the
Atlantic late in the day on August 31, 2015. An alert was
belatedly issued on September 1, 2015 warning pilots on the East
Coast that their radar would not work correctly, and asking for
pilots to alert the FAA by radio if they saw a dangerous
situation developing.

The September 1, 2015 radar lines were similar to the radar
circles that had appeared in Australia in 2010. Per the Zetas,
these circles, which showed up on radar screens, were due to the
charged tail and magnetic influence of Nibiru, aka Planet X.
Electro-magnetic particles were involved, per the Zetas.

ZetaTalk Explanation
1/25/2010: The
Australia radar circles are not caused by these greasy
elements nor are they caused by charged dust in the
atmosphere. Australia lies near the Earth's magnetic S Pole,
which is south of this continent but nevertheless nearby. The
Earth's magnetosphere is being tugged and twisted, at times
the S Pole of Earth seemingly absent, as the magnetosphere of
Planet X is pulling it into alignment, end-to-end. This is a
predecessor to the lean to the left and the 3 days of
darkness, when the influence will be stronger. Nonetheless, at
times the Earth today is dealing with a failure or lack of
magnetic particles returning to the S Pole, and this sets into
play all manner of other dramas in the atmosphere.
The US Military issued their alert for the East Coast on
September 1, 2015 and blamed it all on a military
exercise. Oh really? And there was no prior warning re all
of this to commercial aircraft? The next day, on September 2,
2015, two military choppers crashed into the trees during an
exercise near Denver, for no apparent reason.

- Military Chopper Crash Leaves two
Soldiers Hurt
September 2, 2015
- Two soldiers suffered injuries
when a military helicopter went down in Colorado.
Officials say the Blackhawk chopper made a hard landing
during a routine training in Embert, just south of Denver.
BPEarthWatch also
noted that an odd red sky appeared over the Atacama Desert of
Chile, and lightning sprites were above storms in the affected
region, both indicating a tail waft from the charged tail of
Nibiru. These incidents also occurred on September 1,

Does the fact that the radar circles of August 31-September 1,
2015 rolled across the mid-Atlantic Rift have something to do
with the highly magnetized lava there? Recall that this was the
reason that AF 447 had all its electronics knocked out so that
it crashed into the sea in 2009. That too was caused by EMP due
to the attraction of the mid-Atlantic Rift.

ZetaTalk Explanation
7/9/2009: We
have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could
be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X turned toward
the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest
unmistakable piece of evidence a blast to the Earth's
magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the
electromagnetic spectrum, as we have noted, is beyond what
mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is
an outage. The lights go out, but nothing crashes to the
ground. When a massive failure, however temporary, occurs in
an airliner time catches up with those affected as the
airliner is temporarily out of control, and in turbulent
weather this can prove disastrous. Will such failure happen
again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect
problems with their satellites and electrical grids due to the
charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction
of Earth. Air France 447 hit a triple whammy, however, in that
it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have
stated is a surface magnet, responsible for the twice-a-day
global shudders that appear on the live seismographs.
Just before dawn on September 2, 2015 a blue
neon swirl was seen overhead in Miami. This caused a stir
on the Internet.

But later NASA et al stated it was only gasses from a rocket
launch well north of Miami at Cape Canaveral. Do rocket launches
normally result in neon blue swirls almost 200 miles distant
from the launch? Per the Zetas, the neon blue swirl was from
greasy elements in the atmosphere from the tail of Nibiru. These
elements can create a chemical glow, when lit, and the Miami
episode is similar to the Norway spiral in 2009. Once again, the
establishment brushes it all off by claiming the cause is a
rocket launch.

- Atlas V Liftoff Creates Cloud of
September 2, 2015
- The Atlas V rocket lifted off from
Cape Canaveral and blasted into space. A United Launch
Alliance Atlas V blasted into space Wednesday morning
carrying a Navy communications satellite and creating a
spectacular light show that had some people wrongly
worried that the rocket had blown up. The launch was so
bright it was seen across Florida, from St. Petersburg to
Key West. That prompted the National Weather Service
Office in Miami put out a tweet advising people that what
they were witnessing was the Atlas V launch, not a meteor
or other event. About five minutes after launch, the
second-stage ignition created a huge, bright-white cloud
backlit by the first rays of sunrise.
ZetaTalk Comment
9/5/2015: Where
the undulating neon circle over Miami is not technically a
spiral, it is the remnant of a spiral. The swirling motion is
caused by the electrical charge in the air, as the tail of
Planet X is charged, thus causing so much electro-magnetic
pulse disruption in mankind’s infrastructure lately. Just as
with the 2009 Norway spiral, where it was later claimed to be
the result of a Russian rocket launch, the establishment here
is trying to make a similar claim. The Miami swirl is not from
a rocket launch at Cape Canaveral, which is at a significant
distance. Nor do clouds glow long after the launch. Do these
swirls routinely happen during the frequent rocket launches
from Cape Canaveral?
During the dramatic Norway swirl in 2009 the establishment,
frantic to deny that Nibiru was in the vicinity, claimed that
this charged swirl, which grounded due to its charged nature,
was caused by a distant rocket launch from Russia. Huh?

ZetaTalk Explanation
12/8/2009: The
Norway display is akin to the neon clouds seen on occasion
since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and
the grease in the tail of Planet X has polluted the Earth's
atmosphere. The neon appearance is caused by a chemical
reaction, akin to man's familiar light sticks. Up until
recently, such neon displays required a light source in order
to be seen, lit in the dawn or dusk by sunlight or the lights
from a city. What has occurred over Norway is a neon cloud, a
grease cloud, lit by the electrical charge from the tail of
Planet X.
Neon clouds and spirals in the sky
are seen at times and places when no
rocket launches have occurred. They are not

Note that per the Pole
Shift ning blog that tracks the Nibiru complex object that
appear on SOHO, the Sun was utterly asleep in the early hours of
August 31.

Even at the start of September 1, per the SOHO
archives, it was asleep, and the CME that developed was
small in comparison to an example of an X class flare in the
year 2000.

Per BPEarthWatch
the CME would have had to come from the from
the back of the Sun as it did not show up earlier on
EIT images. Nothing suggesting that a big CME was pending was
seen. Could we be seeing fake SOHO images to cover the EMP
evidence? SOHO is known to doctor their
images, removing evidence of the Nibiru complex. All this
is moot in any case as the radar track interference began at the
end of August 31. It was not
from the Sun.

Desperate to remain in control and deny that EMP was
increasingly besetting mankind’s infrastructure, the
establishment proffered an excuse for all of it on September 2,
2015. The Earth was “crossing through a fold in the heliospheric
current sheet”. Was this not known ahead of September 2, when
SpaceWeather first announced it? And would we not pass thought
such a heliospheric current sheet regularly, yearly in fact, if
this was the case for year 2015? This is an after the fact
excuse, as Heaven forbid that the public will cancel their
vacations to Disneyland or fear hopping on a plane. So “solar
sector boundary crossings” cause choppers to crash, radar to
totally malfunction across the Atlantic, FAA to issues warnings
to airplanes along the entire East Coast, and create neon blue
swirls in the sky above startled commuters. But only for part of
the globe. But the US military, the FAA, and SpaceWeather had no
clue until it was all over on September 2. Could we just have
the truth?
- What’s Up in Space?
September 2, 2015
- Solar Sector Boundary Crossing:
High-latitude auroras are possible on Sept. 2nd when Earth
crosses through a fold in the heliospheric current
sheet. This is called a "solar sector boundary crossing,"
and NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of polar
geomagnetic storms when it occurs.
Light Towers
During the month of August, 2015 reports came in from around
the world showing a beam of light emerging from the ground.
These beams came and went in an instant, puzzling all who saw
them. What were they? The Zetas explain.

- Strange Beams of Light Captured in
Italy, Mexico, and the US! What Are They?
August 20, 2015
- Can there be so many "camera
glitches" all happening in the same month, from all across
the world?
- Strange Beams of Lights are Seen all
around the World!
August 17, 2015
- Most of these beams of light shot
up from the clouds as if a battery of gigantic
searchlights are searching the landscape and are identical
to a vertical band of light. The latest large beams are
photographed in South Fort Myers Florida, USA on August
15, 2015 and in Civitavecchia Italy on August 10, 2015.
- Mysterious Unidentified Light Beams
and Light Flashes
August, 2015
- There have also been light beam
reports from ground to sky that last only a few seconds
and are also without sound.
ZetaTalk Explanation
8/22/2015: Light
towers were noted
in 2008 by soldiers in
Iraq, who sighted these burning methane spires while wearing
night vision goggles. Photos of twirling smoke drifting upward
during the day in Canada showed that these towers were
occurring during the day, also. Our explanation was methane
release, sparked by friction in the air or lightning. The tail
of Planet X, aka Nibiru, is greasy
and thus other atmospheric phenomena such as neon clouds or
the Norway spiral in 2009 during which a grease cloud was lit
and swirled during the combustion as the charge attempted to
Recently in Escanaba, Michigan
a transformer exploded during a lightning storm, lighting a methane
spire that had been
released during an earthquake. And in late 2014 a methane
flash in the Urals turned a highway into day for a few
moments, in front of astonished commuters. Mankind, not
dealing with the reality of the greasy elements in the air, is
at a loss to explain the occasional light towers, and now
matters have gotten more obvious. A light tower of burning
methane burns directly upward as methane is lighter than air
and rises quickly in the atmosphere. Released by shifting rock
or rock layers under a stretch during plate movements, in most
cases this methane whooshes upward and disburses.
But during a lightning storm,
or in stormy weather where air layers are creating friction
and thus sparks, and in particular where lightning is present,
the methane will alight. The scenes caught on video include at
least one instance where the methane tower flashes and then is
gone, just that quick. Note that almost all the captures of
these towers are showing storm clouds, often low to the
ground. Why do the towers have the appearance of straight
sides, like a tube? When seen from a distance they appear like
a flame, narrow at the base and then broadening out. In the
Urals, a wide area of methane simultaneously flashed, thus
momentary daylight. The recent methane tower captures are
close at hand, in low lying clouds, so the lit methane is
under pressure and blowing out of the ground where seen, thus
the tube appearance.