String of Pearls
Some of Nibiru’s moons have arranged themselves into what has
become known as the String of Pearls,
following each other in a line, which when seen from the side
look like a pearl necklace. These showed up in late 2003 and
early 2004 when Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System,
putting on the brakes as it approached the Sun so that the vast
tail of Nibiru wafted toward and past the Sun. Thus they were
visible at that time.

ZetaTalk Description 6/15/1997: Planet
X's moons travel like a string of pearls behind the monster
traveling planet and a great deal of trash has also been
caught, from boulders to gravel to dust that drags long behind
as the giant comet's tail.
ZetaTalk Description 2001: Thus,
the moons of Planet X, having assumed a swirl that perpetuates
itself, remain in a dance behind Planet X even during its
dither point between its two foci. Planet X moves, however
slowly, at its dither point, so the swirl is always positioned
between Planet X and the foci it is leaving. This swirl,
unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what
caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the
sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon,
lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
Then the String of Pearls seemed to disappear, except for showing
up in 2010 in NASA’s SOHO images or in the Stereo Ahead or
Behind images, which have a view less impeded by the charged
tail dust gathered between and clinging to the Earth and Nibiru,
both of which are magnetic planets.

Between 2004 and 2014, the String of Pearls seemed to disappear,
likely due to better editing of the SOHO images so streaks were
allowed but the moons themselves were not discernable. Until
recently, when in 2014, Alberto, the master of the red filter,
began to occasionally capture the String of Pearls.

Now, suddenly, the String of Pearls has become visible naked eye
again. They were seen on the horizon in Norway at sunrise on
October 5, captured by Alberto on November 17, and seen by a
group of hunters in Missouri at sundown on October 20. The
string hung like a pearl necklace above, 12 Moons clearly
visible. A break in the clouds where the setting Sun shown
through had exactly 12 spires of light pointing down into the
Missouri River below. The image was examined by experts who were
unable to explain the phenomena. But the Zetas explain.

- A quality inspector for Boeing
who has worked before on or near fighter jets since 1980
received an image from his friend showing a strange
phenomenon in the sky during sun set on November 20, 2017.
The image was so intriguing he felt compelled to post it
to MUFON case 88249 to see if anyone else witnessed the
objects. His friend and another guy were making their way
back to the boat ramp after a day of deer hunting along
the Missouri River; the sun had set approximately 15
minutes earlier, when they noticed a strange group of
lights above the clouds and beams of light reflecting off
the river. Although the event only lasted seconds and was
gone, his friend managed to take a picture of the
phenomenon. Quality inspector: “This may be just a very
cool sun dog-type reflection, but I was having a hard time
explaining the chevron shaped group of lights above the
cloud, and the 'way too evenly spaced' beams of light
coming off what appears to be the sun shining down from
the cloud.”
ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2017: The
String of Pearls made an appearance in the early days of
Nibiru’s descent into the inner solar system, in 2003-2004, as
it was either on the opposite side of the Sun or at a distance
from the body of Nibiru itself and the Moon Swirls were able
to reflect sunlight back toward Earth. Then the String of
Pearls showed up in 2010 on the SOHO and Stereo Ahead and
Behind satellite images, because Nibiru had come closer to the
Sun during its passage and was able to reflect more brilliant
sunlight toward the cameras, and NASA was not on guard and
thus not erasing this from their images.
But between 2004 and 2014,
the String of Pearls was not visible from Earth. Then the
string made a brilliant re-appearance in Alberto’s photos in
2014 and have been appearing regularly since in his filtered
photos. But the naked eye sightings of the String of Pearls -
seen and captured on film in Norway at sunrise on October 5,
2017 and now in Missouri on November 20, 2017 at sunset - show
the beginning of a new phase for Nibiru denial. Nibiru itself
is so heavily shrouded by charged red dust that unless the
dust cloud reflects light, creating a brilliant Second Sun
sighting, it can be denied. The String of Pearls is not so
restricted, and will destroy the cover-up.
Russia Rip
The Zetas have long predicted that the great Eurasian Plate
would rip open during the plate movements affecting it from the
East to the West. There is much evidence of stretch stress in
Europe, being pulled to the West as the Atlantic spreads, and
certainly the plate is being pushed toward China though the
intense subduction at Tibet is a block there. The Zetas describe
this rip in the Eurasian Plate as opening a new inland bay, from
just west of Karachi up toward the Ural Mountains.

ZetaTalk Prediction
12/11/2007: The
new Eurasian Plate seaway is anticipated to run just to the
east of the Iran border, going up through western Pakistan and
Afghanistan and thence round along the eastern borders of
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan where the lowlands are skirting
the foothills of the Himalayas. It cannot run up through
Karachi as Pakistan runs into the Himalayas and there are rock
bonds that will not pull apart. Yet rip it must as the
Eurasian Plate has lost any friction preventing movement where
the African Plate formerly snugged up against it through the
Mediterranean and down through the Red Sea. The Atlantic Rift
has pulled apart, pulling the great Eurasian Plate to the
west. To the east, where the Himalayas are glued to the
Indo-Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate, there is glue and
resistance to move. Thus, moving in the direction of least
resistance, the Eurasian Plate rips through the lowlands
skirting along the highlands, a stretch zone adjustment that
is silent and only deadly to those directly above the point of
tear. This has happened before to the great Eurasian Plate, as
the lowlands through his middle attest.
Is there any evidence of this pending rip? There was a huge
methane cloud fireball, seen by commuters
in the Urals in pitch dark on a late afternoon in 2014,
and the location was along the line of rip predicted by the
Zetas. ;

ZetaTalk Prediction 11/22/2014: The
Eurasian Plate is solid, though under stretch stress from one
end to the other, from Europe to the shores of China. We have
predicted a new seaway ripping up toward the Ural Mountains,
though this rip will not occur until the hour of the Pole
Shift. The seaway will rip along the western border of
Pakistan and Afghanistan, and aim toward the low lands just to
the east of the Ural Mountains. This region has ripped before,
as the geology shows.
Now yet more evidence pointing to this rip line has emerged,
during the investigation of a RU 106 radiation leak suspected of
coming from a Russian nuclear waste disposal site that lies
along the rip line. The RU 106 site was almost precisely along
the rip line predicted by the Zetas. Unlike the Iodine 131 leak
that occurred in 2016, which affected all of Europe, this RU 106
leak was admitted by Russia. The Iodine 131 radiation came from
active power plants, found throughout Europe, and per the Zetas
the profit motive kept the press silent about the source of the

- Russia Confirms Spike in
Radioactivity, Denies Nuclear Accident
November 21, 2017
- The conflicting statements from
Rosgidromet on November 21 came weeks after reports of a
radioactive cloud drifting westward from Russia first
appeared in Europe, a delay that government critics said
was reminiscent of the Soviet government's initial silence
about the Chernobyl nuclear-power-plant disaster in 1986.
- Russian Radiation Leak: Everything
you Need to Know
November 21, 2017
- Nuclear scientists say that if
the radiation had come from a bomb, or an incident at a
nuclear reactor, they would expect unusually high levels
of a range of different radio-isotopes. However, since
only a peak in Ru-106 was spotted, this points to a fuel
reprocessing plant or medical facility as the most likely
source. The highest concentration of Ru-106 was registered
in Argayash, a village in the Chelyabinsk region in the
southern Urals. This is close to the Mayak nuclear
facility, a reprocessing site for spent nuclear fuel.
- What's Ruthenium-106? What you Need
to Know about Russian Radiation
November 21, 2017
- The Russian Meteorological
Service finally confirmed that it had recorded the release
of "extremely high contamination" of the radioactive
isotope Ruthenium-106 in the southern Urals region in late
September. That was after radiation monitoring programs in
Europe had earlier detected low levels of the isotope in
air as far away as Germany and France. Russian's state
weather service Roshydromet reported recently that levels
of ruthenium-106 from the Agrayash weather station in the
southern Ural mountains was 986 times those of the
previous month.

ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2017: Clearly
the leak of Ruthenium 106 came from nuclear waste facilities
and clearly this was from the Agrayash region in the Southern
Ural Mountains. Just as the culprit during the Iodine
131 release that flooded Europe in February, 2017 was
never admitted by any facility, there is reluctance by Russia
to admit fault during the harmless release of Ruthenium 106.
The European leak was from active power plants, which affect
profits of the elite if forced to shut down, where the Russian
leak is from waste facilities which are a taxpayer drain, not
a profit making enterprise. Thus, fault is being admitted.
There is more than the
stretch of the Eurasian Plate responsible for this most recent
leak. The stretch has started the process of tearing open a
new bay from just west of Karachi up to the Southern Urals.
Precisely where the containment failure occurred. This stretch
and rip is essentially silent, though the release of
methane and resulting brilliant explosion in the Urals
astonished commuters in the dark early morning hours. Nuclear
facilities, in all stages, are built primarily of concrete,
and regardless of how reinforced this will crack and allow
leaks. More disasters await, primarily in Europe and in the
Patriarch Kirill
Russia has always been more open and
honest about Nibiru and the alien presence, as the
admissions about radiation leaks shows. They are preparing,
moving to the Far East which will not only be high ground but
tropical in the Aftertime. Russia has moved their state offices
there, setup a new naval station in the New
Siberian Islands, and is giving away free
land to citizens who move there.

ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2017: Russia
has always been more open about the alien presence and the
pending passage of Nibiru, while stopping short of admitting
publicly or officially that Nibiru exists. What has happened
that Russia is now taking a bolder stance? On February 4 a
Russian astronomer stated that a bolide was from the trash in
the tail of Nibiru. The cover-up over the presence of Nibiru
is in its death throes. There is the increased visibility,
where the Second Sun is making an appearance and being filmed,
setting the Internet abuzz. There is the Earth wobble, what
the “Main Meteorological Organization” in Russia is calling an
axis tilt, so that the Sun rises and sets where it ought not
on a daily basis.
Almost simultaneous to the RU 106 admission, the Russian
Patriarch Kirill made a compelling speech, basically saying that
the world is in the End Times predicted in the Book of
Revelations. He mentions, without being specific, things that
can “already be seen with the naked eye”. What else can this be
but the Nibiru complex, in its many forms seen in the sky, and
the Earth wobble so papable when the Sun is not in the right
place at sunrise or sunset. Per the Zetas, he is encouraging the
people of Russia work together to prepare.

- Orthodox Patriarch Warns of
Approaching End Times
November 20, 2017
- In a public speech in the main
Moscow cathedral, Patriarch Kirill said the signs from the
Book of Revelation are now apparent. He also called on
politicians and ordinary citizens to unite and stop the
movement towards the abyss. “All people who love the
Motherland must be together because we are entering a
critical period in the course of human civilization. This
can already be seen with the naked eye. You have to be
blind not to notice the approaching awe-inspiring moments
in history that the apostle and evangelist John was
talking about in the Book of Revelation.”
ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2017: Where
the Patriarch Kirill described the current times as those
depicted in the Book of Revelations, he was also chiding
politicians. Without citing Nibiru directly, he noted
something that could be “seen with the naked eye” and an
“approach”. What is it that politicians and others are
doing to march mankind “towards the abyss”? They are insisting
on the status quo, and pretending that the Earth changes are
not going to destroy their current comfortable life. Floods
and devastating earthquakes, bankrupt corporations and the
banking system defaulting – all this awaits.
Rather than a blind march
toward the abyss, Patriarch Kirill is suggesting that the
politicians and the citizenry of Russia, “who love the
Motherland”, take responsibility for plotting a different
path. Of course Putin has placed Russia on that path already,
by providing free land to those who move to Russia’s Far East
and by moving the State Offices from Moscow to the Far East.
Is Patriarch Kirill’s speech the start of an official
announcement regarding Nibiru? We have implied that Russia
will lead in these admissions about Nibiru, and yes, this is
the start.
Leap Second Excuse
Earthquakes are on the increase to the extent that even with reducing the magnitude, and deleting
quakes from the databases to disguise the frequency, the
charts still show a phenomenal increase.

Various excuses were used, such as claiming reporting was only
showing an increase because more seismographs were in place, or
blaming the quakes on fracking.
Earthquakes of course continued to rise in magnitude and
frequency, as have booms from snapping rock. Oops, time for the
cover-up over the presence of Nibiru nearby to step in and step
up. Anything but Nibiru is the explanation, per the Zetas.

- Boom! Mystery Blasts Rattling the
November 19, 2017
- Was it a supersonic aircraft? A
meteor? A ground explosion? The end of the world as we
know it? Those are the questions experts and non-experts
around the world are asking themselves in recent weeks as
curiously loud mystery BOOMS have not only been hear
around the world, but felt – shaking buildings and
rattling nerves from Alabama to Michigan, Idaho to
California, Russia to Denmark.
- Mysterious Loud Booms are being Heard
around the World and no one Knows Why
November 25, 2017
- Reports continue to emerge of
booming sounds of mysterious origin echoing from the sky,
from Colorado and Alabama to the Middle East, United
Kingdom and Australia. Their source has thus far defied
scientific explanation.
Now we have yet another explanation for the increase
in earthquakes. It is Leap Seconds. Every time the Earth
slows down a tad, which it has regularly been doing as the Leap
Second chart shows, this apparently causes earthquakes, or
so says a theory presented to the Geological Society. This
theory was so compelling that major media felt the need to put
it into print. Yahoo, RT, the Guardian, and Live Science
featured this silly theory. The data does not comply however, in
fact it shows the opposite trend – fewer Leap Seconds, but more

- Tiny Slowdown in Earth's Rotation
Could Unleash Major Earthquakes
November 20, 2017
- Past periods of slow rotation
over the last 100 years have coincided with more
earthquakes than average, according to research presented
last month at the annual meeting of the Geological Society
of America. The basic idea is that as the Earth's spin
slows slightly, the equator shrinks.
- As World Turns More Slowly, We Face
Earthquake Boom, Scientists Warn
November20, 2017
- More powerful earthquakes could
rock the globe in 2018 because of infinitesimal changes in
the speed of the Earth’s rotation. Historical data since
1900 clearly reveal a “strong” link between major global
earthquake activity and a slight slowing of the Earth’s
rotation for five or six years.
- Huge Earthquakes in 2018 will put up
to 1bn People at Risk – Scientists
November 20, 2017
- The theory goes that the slowdown
creates a shift in the shape of the Earth's solid iron and
nickel "inner core" which, in turn, impacts the liquid
outer core on which the tectonic plates that form the
Earth's crust rest. Their study looked at all earthquakes
registering 7 and up on the Richter scale since the turn
of the 20th century. In this timeframe, the researchers
discovered five periods of significantly greater seismic
activity occurring approximately every 32 years. The last
slowdown began four years ago.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2017: Once
again we have current Earth changes such as plate movements
and earthquakes ascribed to “anything but Nibiru”, as Nancy
likes to say. Now the increase in earthquakes is supposed to
be caused by a slight global slowdown, based on statistics
from the past. How nebulous is this? Researchers can ascribe
earthquakes happening anywhere in the world, in any Richter
scale, with any frequency over a period of 4-5 years and
decide this is due to a miniscule slowdown of a millisecond in
rotation. Never mind that the numbers don’t line up.
Leap seconds have been
regularly added to the world’s clock, less frequently in
recent years, yet now we are to believe that 2018 will be a
year of increased earthquakes due to such a slight slowdown.
This is known in science as searching for facts to line up
with a theory, and discarding any facts or logic that does not
fit the theory. Meanwhile, odd booms are heard from snapping
rock in the stressed North American Plate and where the UK is
being pulled down into the Atlantic – all this caused by the 7
of 10 plate movements driven by Nibiru’s approach.
Only the admission that
Nibiru is indeed here and steadily approaching will connect
the dots, but the media and the terrified establishment in
control of the media will always have some excuse for the
Earth changes. To date we have had the earthquake increase due
to fracking or more sensitive seismographs, the Earth wobble
due to the Arctic being more ice free than the Antarctic so
the globe spins like a top out of balance, red dust in the
skies due to NASA sending up such dust clouds into the
ionosphere to measure the jet stream, and anything not covered
by those lies due to claims about the Sun or Global Warming.
Anything but Nibiru.