Venezuela Spiral
Venezuela has been a Case Study on
what can go wrong in a society where the people have been
allowed to rely on social services rather than be
self-sufficient. Flush with oil profits, Venezuela had come to
rely on imported food, so in 2014 during the oil price wars, starvation gripped the populace.
Maduro has loyalists on the Supreme
Court and in the Military, so has survived all congressional and
legal challenges. Inevitably, the Venezuelan
Bolivar collapsed. Without recourse, what was the populace
to do? Apparently, send in the drones.

- Venezuelan President Maduro Targeted
with Explosive Drones
August 4, 2018
- Several explosives-laden drones
detonated as he was speaking at a military ceremony. Seven
National Guard soldiers have been injured as a result of
the failed assassination. Maduro pinned the blamed on the
“Venezuelan ultra-right,” who collaborated with Colombian
rightists. He also accused Colombia’s president, Juan
Manuel Santos, of being behind the attack.
- Venezuelan President Survives a Drone
Assassination Attempt
August 5, 2018
- Nicolas Maduro was addressing a
military parade in Caracas on live TV this Saturday when
he suddenly halted and looked to the sky after hearing an
explosion. Attorney General Tarek William Saab said the
attempted assassination targeted not only Maduro, but
rather the military's entire high command on stage with
the president.
Why did starvation become an issue in a country with good
soil, good water, and a temperate climate? For decades, flush
with oil profits, the populace pampered themselves with imported
foods. Mismanagement #1. In 2010 Chavez nationalized the farms
supply business. After the oil crash, the local farms were left
to flounder without seeds, pesticides, fuel, replacement parts
of their equipment. Mismanagement #2. Per the Zetas, this is an
example of what will occur after the Pole Shift, when effective
leadership will be lacking. Floundering and starvation result.

- Agriculture in Venezuela
- Agriculture in Venezuela has a
much smaller share of the economy than in any other Latin
American country. From the discovery of oil in Venezuela
in the early twentieth century to the 1940s, the
importance of agriculture declined rapidly. The country
imports most of its food, mainly from Colombia and the
United States.
- Venezuela crisis: Farmers Struggle as
People go Hungry
December 1, 2017
- In 2010, the government
nationalised the farm supply business. Agropatria is now
responsible for supplying farmers with everything from
seeds to pesticides. Timing is crucial and producers say
the government is not delivering. Venezuela's currency
gets weaker every day so the cost of his materials, which
are mostly imported, keeps rising. In just two weeks, the
price of a tractor tyre has doubled.

- Venezuela’s Farmland Sits Barren
During Hunger Crisis
December 1, 2017
- As Venezuelans in cities scavenge
for food, once-fertile farmlands are barren as well. In
western Portuguesa state, which was the nation’s
breadbasket, hundreds of arable acres were lost after
seeds didn’t arrive until the rainy season. Slugs and
snails overran fields after pesticides disappeared when
the cash-strapped government reduced imports. Thieves
forage by night and a “cemetery of tractors” waits for
replacement parts that never arrive. As part of his
economic war against the bourgeoisie, the late president
Hugo Chavez expropriated food processors, stores and
millions of acres of farms and ranches. Agropatria, the
farm-supply business nationalized in 2010, holds a
monopoly on everything from seeds to pesticides. Maduro
has cut back on imports to shore up cash and pay back
billions in debt for the country and its state-oil
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/19/2002: The
Aftertime will find most of mankind in a dearth of government
directives. Even small towns, governed by mayors well known on
the city streets to all, and traveling bands governed by
chieftains, will feel the lack. Insanity, depression, loss of
life and confusion will remove the firm hand so familiar from
governing. Families will look to their elders, the family man,
the religious leader, and find them all staring, shaking their
heads, and unable to speak. In these situations, leadership
arises from the needy, natural leaders emerging.
ZetaTalk Expectation
12/6/2003: Leadership
will have to be earned, not assumed based on former titles or
rank. And the type of government that emerges will depend on
the spiritual nature of the survival groups. The good hearted
will find less need for rules, rules replaced by cooperation.
The self-centered will adopt the rules of a prison colony,
rule by the strong and ruthless.
Chavez did institute his Mission Vuelta al Campo, encouraging
the poor to garden on small plots in the countryside. But it
lacked government support, and floundered. Mismanagement #3!
Maduro encouraged backyard and porch gardening, even touting his
own pumpkin patch. But beyond words, there was no support for
fledgling gardeners. No seeds, tools, or plot of land. The
government under Chavez had also confiscated many small farms,
nationalizing them. Rather than employ their expertise,
Venezuela once again mismanaged it. Mismanagement #4. Per the
Zetas, this is likely to be the scripted drama for most of the
crowded cities on Earth.

- Agriculture in Venezuela
- A new Bolivarian Mission, Mission
Vuelta al Campo was announced in 2005; it seeks to
encourage impoverished and unemployed urban Venezuelans to
willingly return to the countryside. The land reform
program has nevertheless been the subject of criticism
from a variety of sources, with farmers said to be lacking
sufficient government support particularly in the case of
urban residents moving to the countryside to develop
farming cooperatives.
- Congratulations to Bolivarian
Socialism - Farming Doesn't Work in Venezuela Anymore
November 1, 2016
- President Nicolas Maduro has
asked, insisted even, that urban residents should be
farming small plots to grow their vegetables. President
Nicolás Maduro recounted how he and his wife grew pumpkins
on their patio for a soup that tasted “like heaven.”
- Venezuela is telling Hungry City
Dwellers to Grow their Own Food
November 1, 2016
- The government urged citizens to
plant in every available space — private terraces,
communal areas, jails and schools, among other sites — but
did not itself provide the land. “How are you going to
tell someone with no space for a plot to grow their own
food?” asked De Leandro, whose family-owned farm was
expropriated, like many other businesses, under former
president Hugo Chávez's nationalization program.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2002: Those
in the cities, who have lost or never had experience with
gardening and herdskeeping, or fishing in the wild which
requires skill, will have the rudest shock. First, they will
be isolated in their cities by the destruction around them,
such that they cannot easily travel to the country side.
Second, food will run out in the cities, such that the
starving survivors look about them, and even at each other,
hungrily. Most will starve, getting weaker and sicker until
death overtakes them. Those who give in to the urge to
cannibalize will soon die also, simply because the food source
will run out.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/2001: In
countries where social services exist, those desperate for a
rescue will begin to assume that the government will act,
perhaps at the last minute but in time to rescue them.
Announcements will be made to peacefully evacuate cities and
coastlines, tents will be erected, and the populace resettled
after it is all over with the worst of it the beans and rice
endlessly served for supper. The military, politicians, and
those holding stakes in the cities and coastlines being
deserted will put selfish interests aside and become
humanitarians, in the end. For those clinging to this hope for
rescue, we would only point out that the governments today do
not act in this manner, but leave many starving children and
injustices in their wake, daily. Stressful times will not
create heroes, it will create slamming doors.
What’s the answer? Self-sufficiency
is the answer, but this is not attained overnight. The cover-up
over the presence and approach and pending passage of Nibiru is
firmly in control of the media and the wealthy establishment.
Are you being advised to dry and save your pumpkin seeds? To
start with container gardening on your porch if lacking a plot
of land? Does your community allow free ranging chickens, or use
goats and sheep to trim the hedge and mow the lawns? Per the
Zetas, during chaos, new leadership may emerge.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/19/2002: Often
they are children, to whom most of life is startling and
strange, the unfamiliar presented almost daily. To the child,
this is more an adventure, an opportunity to act without
constant parental admonitions. They will make suggestions, and
be allowed to proceed, and often lead their dazed and
depressed parents and elders about like rag dolls. Beyond the
children, who will be inventive and energetic in the main,
women will assume command by doing daily chores. After the
shift, women will wash and clean, gather and cook a meal, and
thus be looked upon as someone who can direct activities. When
the depression clears, and survivors begin looking about them,
determining if they should seek out a government rep or make a
report, perhaps seek help from their government, a different
conclusion will arise. Initiating, observing, and offering to
help, and sharing, has taken place. This is the
Service-to-Other society of your future, and once established
by survivor groups, should not be supplanted by ego driven
directive by the power hungry. Tell them to sit back down and
fall silent, as you did so much better before they found their

Trump Derangement
Trump Derangement Syndrome occurs when the Deep State and the
Hillary fans, both losers in the 2016 Presidential election,
have no recourse but to wail and throw tantrums. The Democrats
seem to have no platform other than #neverTrump
protests and the Deep State is steadily being removed from the
federal government, kicking and screaming all the way. CNN
reporter Acosta’s face shows a pout lately, but he is not yet in
a full Trump Derangement Syndrome fist pounding tantrum.

- Trump Derangement Syndrome
- Trump Derangement Syndrome is a
buzzword used by its adherents to describe a reaction to
United States President Donald Trump by liberals,
progressives, and Never Trump conservatives, who are said
to respond to Trump's statements and political actions
irrationally, with little regard to Trump's actual
position or action taken.
- Trump Derangement Syndrome
- Trump Derangement Syndrome is a
mental condition in which a person has been driven
effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump,
to the point at which they will abandon all logic and
reason. Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse,
ranging from hysterical outbursts to a complete mental
break. TDS can also often result in the sufferer
exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires.

- The Democratic 'Party Is Dead':
Tucker Examines Drastic Transition from Liberal to 'Say No
to Trump'
July 30, 2018
- Carlson blamed "Trump Derangement
Syndrome" for the change to the party once identified with
economic populists such as John F. Kennedy and wartime
leaders like Franklin Roosevelt. "They were the party that
fought McCarthyism. Now it's the party that engages in
McCarthyism," he said, pointing to claims from Democratic
bureaucrats like former CIA Director John Brennan who
claim Trump committed "treason."
Meanwhile, awareness of the Q phenomena has gone mainstream.
In horror that the public following Q has exploded, the
well-controlled American media, nominally called the Main Stream
Media, lurched into action. In what was obviously a coordinated
attack against the Q phenomena, over 50 publications
simultaneously reported the same fake news story line – Q is a
cult, and a conspiracy. Never mind its phenomenal accuracy and
ability to predict what is coming. Never mind that the public
senses the ring of truth in the Q revelations, and is connecting
the dots.

Why the fear? Q is peeling back the onion layers on the crimes
committed by the Deep State and the Bush/Hillary criminal Cabal,
who use pedophilia blackmail to control politicians. Trump
appears to be out of control, for this crowd, thus is constantly
demonized by the media which is also owned and controlled. At
base, the fear is that the cover-up over Nibiru will break, and
that Q will migrate to telling the truth about Nibiru. Trump
refused to sign the Paris Accord. Trump has a private summit
with Putin, when Russia is more open and honest about Nibiru.
Connect the dots. Trump Derangement Syndrome and control of the
media is about Nibiru!
ZetaTalk Description
8/23/2004: In
a world where corporations are owned by few real
major stockholders, including corporations in the media
business, and where politicians are selected and promoted
based on the certainty that they will cooperate with those
essentially running the world on the basis of their immense
wealth, the blanket of the cover-up is almost complete. The
media simply does not report anomalies. Questions asked of
scientists are deflected, as these scientists routinely work
for grants, universities reliant on grants, for corporations
directed by their major stockholders, or for government
agencies under national security rules. Odd death rates among
such scientists are not reported, or under reported, as is the
increasingly erratic and frightening weather worldwide, the
alarming number of earthquakes that rattle buildings and spit
the earth open, and the threatening condition of volcanoes
near urban settings.
Jomon Pottery
Does ancient Jomon pottery from Japan depict past Pole Shifts?
Per the Zetas, indeed they do. They certainly show waves
assaulting the Japanese main islands from all directions, and
they show the magnetic swirls that have been found on cave man
walls, on Annunaki landing strips
in S Africa, and in dramatic fashion in the skies over Norway
in 2009.

ZetaTalk Comment 5/18/2013: The
spirals and Nazca-like lines carved into rock near Verneukpan,
S Africa are genuine and were done in the past by the
Annunaki. These are, as with the Nazca lines, landing guides.
But why the many spirals, which are seen in recent crop
circles as well as on cave walls? Spirals are seen in the sky
prior to a passage, due to magnetic tornados formed in the
atmosphere. Thus, early man drew them to warn future
generations. But in S Africa they adorned landing stripes to
indicate an escape route for those Annunaki left in harm’s way
as the Pole Shift approached. The Flood was caused by a
displacement wave from half-melted Antarctic ice, and those
trapped at the tip of S Africa were vulnerable.
Waves on all four sides as depicted in Jomon pottery would occur
due to the ocean sloshing that can be expected during a crustal
shift. The initial slosh occurs as the Earth moves suddenly
under the ocean, the waters remaining in place while the land
plates follow the direction of shift. Then, as described by the
Zetas, the ocean slosh would return in the other direction,
water seeking its level. For Japan, there would be independent
sloshing at the Pacific Ocean side, and yet another sloshing
action in the Sea of Japan between Japan and the mainland.

- Jomon Pottery
- Jomon pottery vessels are the
oldest in the world and their impressed decoration, which
resembles rope, is the origin of the word jomon, meaning
'cord pattern'. Jomon pottery, in the form of simple
vessels, was first produced c. 13,000 BCE around
Shinonouchi in Nagano, making them the oldest such
examples in the world.
- Jomon Pottery
- The pottery vessels crafted in
Ancient Japan during the J?mon period are generally
accepted to be the oldest pottery in Japan and among the
oldest in the world.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
8/31/2018: Where
Jomon pottery covers a multitude of periods, and primarily
represents the marking with string, those pieces that come
from a Pole Shift era dramatically show not only waves coming
from all four directions but show the magnetic sky swirls
known to be drawn on cave walls by very early man. Are the
waves tsunami or the Pole Shift sloshing to be expected? Of
course tsunami occurred, but this comes from a single
direction. Pole Shift sloshing will occur on all sides of the
Japanese islands, due to the attempts of the Pacific Ocean to
return to an even sea level wherever there is a void.
During the Jomon pottery period from 3,000 to 4,000 BC, the
Jomon pottery included statues of what appear to be aliens in
space suits. They are predominantly female, with obvious breasts
and even female genitalia. Are these human? The appendages do
not appear to be the fingers and toes of man. Nor did mankind in
Japan wear such hooded space suits at that time. Per the Zetas,
these are indeed depictions of alien visitors assisting the
survivors of the last Nibiru passage 3,600 years ago.

- Ancient Astronauts? The
Fantarchaeology and the Importance of the Context
- If we take one of these sites as
an example, the "astronautical" features of the dog?
statuettes are described as 1) a helmet with a shaped
visor to shield the passage of sunlight; 2) a breathing
filter at the level of the mouth; 3) a collar connecting
the helmet and the suit; 4) small manipulating tongs
mounted on articulated heads, instead of hands; 5)
connection valves for pipes arranged on the chest of the
suit. Neolithic men would certainly not have been able to
imagine and put together such a large amount of
technological details of space suits, if they had not
observed them directly and closely. The hypothesis that
the dog? represented ancient astronauts was made famous by
Russian authors like Alexander Kazantsev and Vjaceslav
Zajtsev in the sixties. The oldest are very small and very
simple; around 4000 B.C. They begin to have arms, legs and
heads, and starting from 3000 BC. The faces are completely
- Dogu
- Dogu are made of clay and are
small, typically 10 to 30 cm high. Most of the figurines
appear to be modeled as female, and have big eyes, small
waists, and wide hips. They are considered by many to be
representative of goddesses. Many have large abdomens
associated with pregnancy, suggesting that the Jomon
considered them mother goddesses. Some theorists also
suggest that some of the dogu can represent aliens in
space suits. There is, however, no scientific evidence to
support this.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
8/31/2018: The
Dogu statues in Japan emerged during the last passage of
Nibiru, approximately 3,600 years ago. This was a period of
great trauma in Japan, so there is no written record of these
visitors. Only the Dogu statues remain as a record of what the
populace saw. The Dogu were hominoid, and assisting the
Japanese survivors at that time. They are often depicted as
female, with breasts and even female genitalia, as the Dogu
visitors often focused on pregnant women for special care. The
Dogu appeared during a time before the rule on recording
visitations only in the subconscious was imposed by the
Council of Worlds, thus the detail found on the statues.