Shutdown Agendas
The failure of Congress to produce a budget that President
Trump is willing to sign forced the US government into a
Shutdown on December 18, 2018. This resulted in a Reduction in
Force, a temporary layoff without pay for about 800,000
employees. The sticking point was funding for a wall, or fence,
on the Southern Border with Mexico. Trump insisted on a modest
$5.7 billion but Pelosi and Schumer were refusing even a penny,
on principle. This despite Democrats willingly funding border
walls in the past.
- Did Democrats Reverse Border Wall
Position after Donald Trump was Elected?
January 9, 2019
- Just over half of Democrats in
the Senate voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which
was signed into law by President George W. Bush, including
then-Sens. Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Hillary
Clinton. Most Democrats in the House voted against it,
including Rep. Nancy Pelosi. The law authorized a fence
along about 700 miles of the border between the
U.S.-Mexico border. By 2015, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection had constructed 654 miles of fencing.
- Everything you Need to Know about the
Government Shutdown
January 18, 2018
- Of the about 800,000 employees in
the nine Cabinet departments and various smaller agencies
whose funding has lapsed, about 380,000 have been
furloughed without pay while the rest are still working
without pay.
Another oddity about the Shutdown was that President Trump
appeared to have the funds and means for construction of a wall.
He could take the funds from the Department of Defense budget,
where $25 billion was placed into a construction category, and
have the military construct the wall. He has also stated he
could reallocate hurricane relief funds for prior hurricane
damage in Puerto Rico and the Gulf. This fund totals $14
billion. However, both these routes require that Trump declare a
National Emergency.

- Trump Mulling Use of Disaster Aid to
Fund Border Wall; Puerto Rico Governor Fires Back
January 13, 2019
- The White House has directed the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to examine the possibility of
using for border wall construction $13.9 billion the corps
received in a February 2018 disaster relief bill. The
money was earmarked for relief measures for Puerto Rico
and California, Florida, Texas and other hard-hit states.
The diversion plan is being presented as an option to the
president and may not be implemented.
- Trump Seeking Border Wall Funds from
other Agencies’ Budgets
December 19, 2019
- Congress would have to approve
any money that “reprogrammed” from its original
appropriated purpose.
- Mattis, Trump Discuss using Military
funds for Border Wall
March 29, 2019
- President Trump signed the $1.3
trillion budget into law. The bill provides $700 billion
in 2018 and $716 billion in 2019 to the Defense
Department, money Mattis and the service chiefs have
repeatedly emphasized is critical to rebuilding military
readiness and lethality. Trump suggested that part of the
Pentagon’s new-found wealth could be used for the wall.
Military readiness would be hurt if DoD has to cut $25
billion from its spending plan to pay for the wall,
instead of using those funds for DoD priorities, such as
buying new aircraft to replace aging aircraft and
increasing the size of the Navy.
Is there more to the Shutdown than appears on its face? Many Q
forums have been abuzz about the possibility of gutting
the Deep State via this Shutdown, as when it goes past the
first 30 days, a second furlough is set in motion whereby
employees can be terminated not based on seniority but based on
and need. A reorganization plan would be needed as a
guideline. In preparation for such an eradication of formerly
intractable Deep State actors, Trump’s EO of January
23, 2019 is preventing any workarounds such as new
positions or new hires.

- More than a Government Shutdown?
January 18, 2019
- On 01.22.2019 “Reduction in
Force” law activates allowing permanent layoffs of federal
employees, i.e Dem Socialists/Resistance. Normally,
full-time federal employees, saboteurs or not, are nearly
impossible to fire.
- Trump's Shutdown Trap?
January 15, 2019
- Has President Trump suckered
Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable
a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? A lot of
procedures must be followed, and merit is the last
consideration, but based on the criteria above, employees
already furloughed can be laid off once they have been
furloughed for 30 days or 22 work days.
- Rules on Federal Government Furloughs
- Agencies must follow RIF
procedures when furloughing employees for 31 or more
continuous calendar days, or for 23 or more discontinuous
work days. The complete RIF procedures must be followed,
including a minimum 60 days specific written notice of the
RIF furlough action.
Is there more afoot than a means to gut the Deep State
collecting government salaries? There is that odd tweet from
Donna Brazile, implying that the MLK weekend would see Pelosi
transformed from Speaker of the House to President over the MLK
weekend, the time frame when Pelosi was going to be out of the
country. Was a coup planned? Did the arrest on January 17 of an
ISIS bomber intent on blowing up the White House relate? Were
Pelosi and Shiff wanting to be out
of DC on January 17 during the turmoil to avoid arrest for
treason? What did they know, and what were their roles?
Afghanistan does not have an extradition treaty with the US.

- Trump Cancels Nancy Pelosi Foreign
Trip citing Shutdown
January 18, 2019
- US President Donald Trump has
postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's upcoming trip to
Brussels and Afghanistan, asking her to stay to negotiate
an end to the partial US government shutdown.
- FBI Arrest ISIL Supporter who Planned
to Attack White House with Anti-Tank Rocket
January 17, 2019
- An American supporter of the
Islamic State has been arrested after he plotted to blow a
hole in the White House with an anti-tank rocket and storm
the building. He had been watched since March. In December
Taheb met with an undercover agent and, according to court
documents, he showed the agent "a hand-drawn diagram of
the ground floor of the West Wing of the White House" and
"described his plan for attacking the West Wing."
The pointed tweets by insider Donna Brazile continue. Days
later another implying assassination. Oh, on the surface, about
a $15/hour minimum wage, perhaps, but President Lincoln was
assassinated, and Hamilton was killed in a duel by VP Burr. The
duel ultimately ended the career of VP Burr. Thus, Brazile’s
tweet is in essence saying – kill the President and destroy the
VP! The Zetas explain.

- Burr-Hamilton Duel
- Vice President Burr shot
Hamilton, delivering what proved to be a fatal wound.
Hamilton's shot broke a tree branch directly above Burr's
head. Burr survived the duel and was indicted for murder
in both New York and New Jersey, though these charges were
later either dismissed or resulted in acquittal. The harsh
criticism and animosity directed toward him following the
duel brought an end to his political career.
ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2019: It
is no coincidence that Pelosi and Shiff were planning to be
out of town, and out of the country in a country without an
extradition treaty, on the very day of a planned attack on the
White House. President Trump had been notably sticking to the
White House during the shutdown, a lure they could not resist.
This was a broad coup plan, with more than the ISIL member in
Atlanta staged to attack the White House, as the coup plans
had been learned and infiltrated with military and intel
agents. It had become a sting operation.
The plan was to devastate the
White House and kill President Trump, and simultaneously do
away with VP Pence. The plot required that the saboteurs have
confidence that their military cohorts would provide cover,
and block the Secret Service. Just as 911 was blamed on 19
Arabs with box cutters, this coup was to be blamed on a clumsy
ISIL member from Atlanta. Then Pelosi would by default become
the President, as Brazile noted in her tweet. Pelosi and Shiff
were to be blame free and safe in Belgium or Afghanistan. In
case they were implicated in a treason charge, they could
remain at large.
Does the timing of this coup attempt relate to the shutdown
ongoing? Yes, in that the saboteurs assumed a disgruntled
Secret Service would be negligent and a disgruntled public
would be sympathetic. This is the reason Pelosi was so adamant
about not giving a penny toward the wall. She gauged that
Trump would bull up and stick to his demands, which he did, as
he knew it was his role during the sting operation. A
secondary benefit of the shutdown is the draconian reduction
in the Deep State. A gradual call-back of only productive
workers will now proceed. A two for one win for the
Transformation Team!
Meanwhile, the threat of a shutdown continues, even with a three
week continuing resolution. Though government workers will have
their deferred paychecks based on laws both Pelosi and Trump
signed into action, the threat of another shutdown looms. Will
President Trump declare a National Emergency to force funding
for the Wall? The rumor mill reports that this is pending, but
any move by Trump would surely be entangled in court. It
increasingly looks like forcing Congress to fund the Wall is the
only outcome. But a game of chess is in process!

- White House Preparing Draft National
Emergency Order
January 24, 2019
- The White House is preparing a
draft proclamation for President Donald Trump to declare a
national emergency along the southern border and has
identified more than $7 billion in potential funds for his
signature border wall should he go that route. According
to options being considered, the administration could
pull: $681 million from Treasury forfeiture funds, $3.6
billion in military construction, $3 billion in Pentagon
civil works funds, and $200 million in Department of
Homeland Security funds.
- If President Trump Tries to Declare a
National Emergency to Build the Wall the Democrats Plan to
Use Lawsuits to keep it from Ever Being Built
January 25, 2019
- Using a national emergency to
build the wall sounds like a simple solution to a lot of
people, but the truth is that it would be a legal
nightmare. Democrats would likely invoke the
Antideficiency Act.
- The Problem with the President
Seeking Border Wall Funding without Congress
January 19, 2019
- Simply stated, this is the law
that says money appropriated by Congress cannot be spent
in advance or in excess of a congressional appropriation.
In effect this means funds may only be used to pay for the
item or action for which the money was specifically
Sneaker Quakes
Most often plate movements are revealed by violent earthquake
jolts and the tsunami that follow. Plates can push against each
other or pull apart, or slide past each other or rise and drop
where they touch. But all of this usually results in a jolt, and
where water is affected, a tsunami. But the Zetas have warned
that as the rough edges along plate borders are smoothed, that
plate movement may become silent. How then is man to know that
this plate movement is occurring?

ZetaTalk Warning 12/15/2006: And
after months and years of this type of tugging, the edges of
the plates have worn smooth, rock fingers breaking off, so
rapid and dramatic movements of the plates are now possible.
The quakes are quickening.
ZetaTalk Warning 2/23/2008: We
have repeatedly stated that earthquakes are no longer
increasing on a linear basis, but are increasing on something
more akin to an exponential basis. We have mentioned that the
plates have their edges smoothed, and can thus move further
during any adjustment.
ZetaTalk Comment 9/27/2014: Where
sliding rock strata has been worn smooth via constant
subduction, the results on the surface may be minimal. Where
subduction has been occurring regularly on one side, the rock
surfaces are smooth and the adjustment is felt as a series of
slight jolts, grip and release. Where the subduction is
pressing inland on the other side, under virgin land, the top
layer can be carried virtually unaffected or can be terribly
rumpled, depending upon its rock and soil characteristics.
A recent event in Portland, Oregon on December 19 shows a silent
plate subduction where the Juan de Fuca pushed under the West
Coast of the N American continent. An otherwise calm river
showed signs of high wave action, captured
on film by a Portland native. Just a couple weeks earlier
there had been an undeniable
UFO display in the same Portland location, and it seems to
relate. The Zetas explain why the residents of Portland were
being warmed.

ZetaTalk Insight
1/31/2019: The
stationary UFO display in early January was warning Portland
residents to be alert to a sudden and unexplained influx of
water from the Columbia River, its coastal river. This then
happened a few weeks later. The Columbia and Willamette Rivers
merge at Portland, which is the branch depicted in the UFO
display. Portland is the first city along this coastal access,
and thus would be the first hit by any silent subduction of
the Juan de Fuca Plate. We warned that the rough edges on
plates sliding over, under, and past each other were becoming
worn smooth, and thus the jolt of earthquakes might be absent
during plate movements. This is an example!
In Russian’s Far East, on the plate border between the great
Eurasian Plate and the N American Plate, a mountain suddenly and
inexplicably slid into the nearby Bureya River, blocking it
completely. There was no torrential rainstorm to melt the soil,
no jiggling earthquakes to nudge a landslide along. There was a
7.4 quake east of Kamchatka on December 20, just a day after the
Portland waves, but not where the landslide occurred. Right on
the plate border on the Amur Platelet just west of the prong of
the N American Plate that refuses to break off, per the Zetas.
Thus there was a silent quake under that region, enough to block
a river.

- Putin Drafts in Army after Siberian
Mountain 'Collapses'
January 13, 2019
- Whatever the cause, the event
resulted in a massive rockfall which has blocked the
nearby Bureya river, and left several villages at risk of
- Strange Movement of Landmass Blocks
Remote Russian River - locals Speculate Landslide or Meteor?
December 24, 2018
- The video was reportedly filmed
in a remote area near the Bureya River in Khabarovsk
Region of the Russia's Far East. It shows large chunks of
land mass completely blocking the frozen river.
- A Large Hill Crashes into the Bureya
River caused by 'a Meteorite'
December 25, 2018
- Aleksei Makhinov, regional
chairman of the Russian Geographic Society, suggested it
was a landslide possibly caused by seismic activity.
S Pole Visibility
The Zetas have long described the path of Nibiru through the
Solar System as one where Nibiru approaches from south of the
Ecliptic and exits north of the Ecliptic. Thus the view from the
S Pole often shows more of the Nibiru complex. In 2012, as
detailed in Issue 303 of this
Newsletter, clear evidence of an orb near the Sun was captured
on film at the Neumayer Station. These are not lens flares,
which move as the camera moves. This orb is stationary.

Now another video, showing an unmistakable
Nibiru, has arrived. This video is 360 around, the cam
following the Sun as the globe rotates directly above the S
Pole Station, registering the view for a full 24 hours.
Note that where Nibiru is seen at the 4 o’clock position in the
Northern Hemisphere, it is at the 11 o’clock position in the
Southern Hemisphere, because locationwise, people there are
standing upside down. In other words, the location of Nibiru
changes depending upon one’s view.

- South Pole Station Webcams
- The South Pole station is one of
three year-around stations operated by the National
Science Foundation (NSF). South Pole Station sits at
the Earth's axis.

ZetaTalk Description
1/31/2018: Nibiru
is normally sighted from the temperate regions in the Northern
Hemisphere at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun. But in the
Southern Hemisphere, such as Brazil, it is found at the 11
o’clock position. This is because the view of the Sun torques,
depending upon the angle of the viewer.
But as has been true since 2002, Nibiru has been in view from
the Northern Hemisphere. It is so big, and real, one can almost
reach out and touch it, especially when viewed through a filter
for light in the red spectrum such as Alberto uses. There stands
the monster, with its two dominant Moon Swirls on either side,
like shoulder pads.
