July 4th Reveals
For those with eyes that see, there are many reveals these
days. For instance, the UFOs
in the sky over President Trump’s July
4th celebration in Washington DC, in a photo included with
a Trump tweet. There they are! And the Zetas, as usual, explain.

ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: It
is no mistake that President Trump included a photo clearly
showing several bright UFO orbs above the crowd during his
July 4th celebration. These stand in front of the clouds, and
per the many experts that examined the photo, not lens flares.
Trump selected this photo for an opportunity to promote the
Awakening. The message being telepathically transmitted to the
crowd below was that President Trump and his Junta are valued
members of the Transformation team, and under our protection.
If angels are protecting President Trump and his Junta during
their war against the Satanists at the top of the Cabal and
their use of pedophilia blackmail, it seems those who are
resentful are trying to call up the Devil. What else was Jeb
Bush referring to when he featured “dead presidents” in his July
4th tweet? Jeb lost to Trump in 2016, when Trump ridiculed him
endlessly. Won’t someone please come out on July 4th and
vindicate Jeb?

- Jeb Bush Posts Bizarre Tweet about
Past Presidents who have Died on July 4th
July 4, 2019
- Former Governor of Florida and
failed presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Thursday
received major backlash after he posted a bizarre tweet
about past US presidents who have died on July 4th.
- Three Presidents Die on July 4th:
Just a Coincidence?
July 4, 2019
- It is a fact of American history
that three Founding Father Presidents—John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, and James Monroe—died on July 4, the
Independence Day anniversary. But was it just a
coincidence? On July 4, 1831, James Monroe, the fifth
President, died at the age of 73 at his son-in-law’s
home in New York City. Monroe had been ill for some time
and newspapers had reported on Monroe’s illness before his
passing. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had both also
died on July 4, 1826 – the 50th anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence.
- The 17 Saddest Moments of Jeb Bush’s
very Sad Campaign
February 20, 2016
- Bush's campaign (and the pro-Jeb
super PAC Right to Rise) spent more than $100 million on
his run. He won no states. And for the past several
months, he's been in the news mostly for all the wrong
reasons: desperate donors, misspent money, jokes that
aren't really jokes. He's been a loser for almost as long
as he was a presumptive winner.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: Jeb
Bush of course has tremendous resentment against President
Trump, as Trump ridiculed him relentlessly during the 2016
primaries. But his comment about dead Presidents on July 4th
was more than just a wish, it was a call to arms for the many
Bush/Clinton Cabal members about to be humiliated in the press
or arrested to appear before the Tribunal
courts. For the thousands of assassination
opportunities, none have succeeded. Protected
by angels, they cannot be touched.
The Bush family has not escaped the ongoing Tribunals, served
with subpoenas during the Bush 41 funeral along with Hillary and
Biden. Per the Zetas, Bush 43 was only to give testimony, but
the endless press for truth and justice to prevail is clearly
wearing on Jeb.

ZetaTalk Comment
12/31/2018: Bush
43 was passed a piece of paper by an agent standing guard
behind him. These were, as suspected by many, legal subpoenas
to appear before a tribunal as witness. Bush 43 inherited the
White House after the Clintons, so became intimately aware of
the web of corruption embedded in the Deep State by the
Clintons. The Bush family has been hoping the investigations
would end with the Mueller probe, thus Jeb and Laura were
horrified at seeing Bush 43 served.
Putin’s Plans
Why was May obviously pleading with Putin during the 2019 G20
in Osaka? She is shielding her mouth so her lips cannot be
read, and Putin looks bemused by it all. Then there is Merkel,
ashen faced.

If one compares their faces to 2017 and 2018 G20 affairs, this
is a stark contrast.

Per the Zetas, Putin wants to inform mankind that Nibiru is
nearby and rapidly approaching for a passage. Putin has prepared
a place for his people in the Far East, and wants them to move
there. Europe has only been protecting their elite, thus has
much to fear from an angry public.
- Patriarch Kirill on
- All people who love the
Motherland must be together because we are entering a
critical period in the course of human civilization. This
can already be seen with the naked eye. You have to be
blind not to notice the approaching awe-inspiring moments
in history that the apostle and evangelist John was
talking about in the Book of Revelation.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: The
body language is unmistakable. It is an open secret among the
elite that Putin is impatient to inform the public that Nibiru
is real, and another passage is pending. He has mentioned his
intentions often. He has established the Far East as a safe
zone for the Russian people, and been aggressive about
encouraging the public to move there, offering free land. He
has established a new naval station
on the New Siberian Islands, and put nuclear power plants
afloat. The Patriarch Kirill has
already confirmed, publicly, that the Earth is in the End
Russia is having a good
harvest in 2019, and travel in the Fall, before snow makes
this difficult, would be ideal. Putin wants his people to
relocate before the Earth changes make this difficult. Europe
on the other hand has not prepared a place for its people. The
elite, primarily the Illuminati and royalty, intended to deny
all until it was too late for the common man to prepare.
Putin’s admission would force the elite, such as May and
Merkel, to defend their past positions. Why did Merkel
encourage a huge influx of Muslim refugees, knowing what was
Thus May made a last minute
appeal to Putin, who was hardly in sympathy with a woman who
allowed him to be slandered by Skripal
poisoning lies. The Netherlands has maintained its lies
about MH 017 also. May was
looking down during her plea so her lips could not be read,
and Merkel has been having panic attacks. They both wanted to
be in control when the public became aware of Nibiru, as
Martial Law will likely be called. Now they are both out of
control, and may need to run.
But it is not just the European elite who are pleading with
Putin to stay his hand and not
inform his public that Nibiru is real and inbound. Per
the Zetas, this was also the Pope’s topic of importance during
his hastily called meeting
with Putin on July 4th. Ah, there is that Third Secret of
Fatima which was never revealed. The Vatican too is protecting
their elite.

- Putin Visits Pope Francis on July 4th
July 4, 2019
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
met with Pope Francis at the Vatican July 4 for a
55-minute private discussion. Pope Francis and Putin
discussed current affairs in Syria, Ukraine, and
Venezuela, as well as environmental issues and questions
concerning the Catholic Church in Russia, according to the
Holy See Press Office. Putin met with Pope John Paul II in
2000 and 2003 and had an audience with Pope Benedict in
2007. The Holy See and the Russian Federation
re-established full diplomatic relations in 2009. Their
first meeting in November 2013 focused on the Syrian civil
war. At Putin and Pope Francis’ previous meeting in June
2015, Pope Francis asked Putin for “sincere and
comprehensive effort to achieve peace” in Ukraine after
Russia annexed Crimea one year prior.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: Putin
and the Pope meet periodically but regardless of the announced
agenda, the true agenda is seldom revealed. The Vatican, with
their suppression of the truth within the Third
Secret of Fatima, would be shamed by any open admission
that Nibiru is real, looming nearby, and fast approaching for
yet another passage. The Vatican is part of the establishment
more concerned with their current lifestyle than any concern
about empowering the common man with information. What then is
the Pope’s position on Putin’s plans to inform his citizens?
The Pope would like all this
delayed, but had no influence on Putin. The Pope’s logic is
that most of the world will perish during the predicted
Apocalypse, so why distress these poor souls during their
remaining time when there is nothing they can do about their
situation. Putin knows better, as informed people can take
steps. The Pope is taking the posture that the Vatican and
prior Popes have taken about the truth. As with the sexual
abuse of choir boys, where he was slow to call the guilty to
account, this is all about keeping the flock loyal to the
Losharik Accident
On July 1, 2019 the Russian nuclear submarine Losharik
sustained a fire that killed more than half the personnel on
board - 14 officers, including 2 admirals. The ship supposedly
was just a research vessel, sustaining a fire from a battery,
but suspicions remain. On July 2, the next day, VP Pence was
suddenly called back to the White House, Putin held an emergency
meeting with his Defense Minister, and the European Union
likewise called an emergency meeting of their Security Counsel.

- Russian Nuclear Submarine Explosion
and Fire, 14 People Reported Dead
July 2, 2019
- Russian North-West Region local
media on Jul 2 reported explosion and fire on board of
Russian Navy deepwater nuclear research station or
submarine AS-12, known as LOSHARIK. Accident occurred on
Jul 1.
- 14 Seamen Dead in Fire on Russian
Deep Submersible – MoD
July 2, 2019
- At least 14 Russian Navy
servicemen have died after a scientific deep submersible
caught fire while on a mission, Russia’s Defense Ministry
has said. The cause of the incident is still unknown. A
deep-water research vehicle belonging to the Russian Navy
was conducting a bathymetric measurement operation in
Russian territorial waters when a fire broke out on board.
- Vice-President Ordered to Immediately
Return to White House for Unspecified "Emergency"
July 2, 2019
- 11:55 am ET Vice President Mike
Pence's scheduled event in New Hampshire canceled; 12:04
pm ET Putin pulls out of scheduled event; 12:25 pm ET
European Commission Security Counsel has been called in
for an urgent meeting; 12:47 pm ET crew members were
poisoned by fumes when the vessel caught fire while taking
measurements in Russian territorial waters on Monday.
Was the Losharik an accident, or a larger problem? The
Losharik was in Russian territorial waters, just outside
Russia’s large submarine base at Severomoresk. Tensions run high
between NATO member Norway and Russia, and Norway has a
submarine base nearby. Was this a deed done by Norway? Why else
was the European Union in a tizzy? Was this related to Putin’s
plans to reveal Nibiru? The Zetas explain.

- EU Council, Russian and American
Leaders Reportedly Pulled into Urgent Meetings
July 2, 2019
- Global leaders are reportedly
engaged in urgently-called security/defense meetings, but
no official explanation has been offered. And, according
to Vice President Pence’s chief of staff, the public may
not know why for weeks. An unconfirmed report said that
the European Union’s Security Council has been called for
a previously unscheduled meeting, but that tweet was later
deleted without explanation. The White House has offered
no additional information on Pence’s sudden return to D.C.
yesterday. They continue to insist that there was no
emergency, just something “came up” that “needed the Vice
President’s attention.”
- Vice President Pence Cancels New
Hampshire Event without Explanation, returns to White House
July 2, 2019
- Pence got on the plane at Joint
Base Andrews, and was called back before the plane was
ready to take off but he would not specify why. Once Pence
came back to the West Wing, he joined President Donald
Trump for other high-level meetings.
- Moscow Accuses Norway of Northern
Military Buildup - Here is Map of Submarine Ports
February 8, 2019
- Grøtsund harbor is 375 kilometers
(as the crow flies) west of Norway’s border to Russia’s
Kola Peninsula.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: On
July 1 a Russian nuclear sub was attacked in their territorial
waters near their border with Norway. A day passed between the
fiery death of 14 Russian officers and a notable panic
reaction at the White House and the European Union. Putin also
called an emergency meeting with his Defense Minister on July
2. What had been learned during that day between the explosion
and the reactions? This was not an accident, but a provocation
to incite Russia to attack, to ignite World War III.
There are elements within NATO that want a war with Russia,
and in particular want to draw the US into this war in defense
of NATO countries.
We have frequently mentioned
the many attempts to ignite World War
III by the New World Order crowd and their many
factions. One of those factions is the Illuminati, the royalty
of Europe and those who carry the Nazi bloodline. Thus the
distress of May and Merkel at Putin’s planned announcement
about Nibiru’s presence relate. May and Merkel would rather
have a war with Russia than have the public informed. Who
attacked the Losharik? Norway was at the helm, but used Israeli
subs to hide the trail. As a member of NATO, Norway subs
are registered and tracked, but Israel is not.
But the Losharik accident was quickly brushed under the rug,
with no explanation as to why the White House and the European
Union considered this an emergency. Meanwhile, theories
about Israel having a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) in space
emerged. Even Ben Fulford reported this theory, ascribing it to
“Pentagon sources”, but these sources only said Israel “may”
have such a weapon. Certainly a DEW satellite could hit a
submarine, even when
under water, and do such damage. But would the Council of
Worlds allow such a weapon to be aloft?

- Major Victory as all Three Power
Obelisks Fall: Washington, London and Rome
July 8, 2019
- Let’s start with the Russian
submarine. Fourteen senior Russian naval officers,
including seven admirals, were killed aboard a top-secret
Russian submarine last week. What is not being reported is
that the submarine was attacked in revenge for the sinking
of an Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf. Pentagon
sources say, “The special-purpose nuclear Russian
submarine Losharik may have been fried by a directed
energy weapon that failed to trigger WW3, but its cabal
controllers may have reaped instant karma.”
- Directed Energy Weapon
- In the United States, the
Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research Laboratory, United
States Army Armament Research Development and Engineering
Center, and the Naval Research Laboratory are researching
directed-energy weapons. These systems of missile defense
are expected to come online no sooner than the mid to
late-2020s. Russia, China, India, and the United
Kingdom are also developing directed-energy weapons.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: Is
there something to the DEW theory? Yes and no. Fulford was
careful in his reporting to say that the Pentagon said Israel
“may” have a DEW, as many countries are known to be lofting
satellites at present, and offering these services. If the
Council of Worlds has stepped in to sabotage the launch of any
satellite that would spy upon migrating refugees, as has been
reported in ZetaTalk a number of times, then how would they
allow the launch of a DEW? Any such effort to control mankind
from space would be countered.
But arrogant Israel had
intentions of launching such a satellite and wanted to disable
Russia’s anti-DEW capability before it did so. The Losharik
had anti-DEW capability, and thus was the chosen target. The
theory that the Losharik was destroyed by DEW attack presumes
that the Losharik could sense it was under attack, and counter
with a missile. The laser is too fast, and would destroy the
submarine almost instantly. The Earth changes - such as EMP
and melting ground from subduction and snapped gas line fires
- are also ascribed to DEW by these theorists, who have yet to
admit that Nibiru is the cause.
Arrogant Nethanyahu wasted no time before attempting to launch
his DEW. Per the Zetas, the launch by Vega of a supposed
satellite for the UAE was just that. And failed.
- European Vega Rocket Lost Minutes
after Lift-Off
July 11, 2019
- It is the first time in 15
launches that a Vega rocket has failed. The rocket had
been carrying a military satellite for the United Arab
Emirates when it took off from the European spaceport in
French Guiana. So, a key question facing the board of
inquiry will be whether Vega's second-stage simply failed
to light. Vega, which made its maiden flight in 2012, was
developed to allow European countries to launch small
satellites into space. French-based Arianespace markets
the four-stage Vega rocket system which was jointly
developed by the Italian Space Agency and the European
Space Agency.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: In the past, Russian rockets have been grounded by the
Council of Worlds for attempting to break the Annunaki
quarantine or to spy on migrants. Musk’s Space X rockets
have also been grounded for
attempting an escape to Mars or to control African Internet
access. But most Russian and Space X launches succeed, as do
launches from India and China and others. The modest European
based Vega launches, successful since 2012, likewise have
succeeded. Was this Vega payload somehow nefarious? Not as
claimed, and therefore disguised to evade Council of Worlds
It was supposedly carrying a
military satellite for the UAE, and failed to ignite the
second-stage rocket. Netanyahu had intentions of being the
first to establish a DEW satellite in space and thus control
the world. In partnership with rogue members of NATO, he
attacked the Losharik, and in partnership with these same
rogue elements in NATO, he arranged an attempted launch. We
have explained that aliens in the Service-to-Self do
not use telepathy, as they avoid the empathy that is
inherent in a telepathic connection. Thus, being highly
Service-to-Self, Netanyahu assumed that any failures in
Russian or Space X launches were due to human elements,
leakers revealing the true payload. Netanyahu will try again,
repeatedly, trying different routes, before he is removed from
power by some means.