Board Meeting
April 20, 2003
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:10 UT. Those attending: Brent (President, and chairing the meeting); Shirley, Gerard, Jan, Stan, Steve,
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting – Approval
- - There being no objections, questions or comments, the minutes of the last meeting were considered ratified as correct.
- Agenda Item 2: Troubled Times, Inc. Booklet – Discussion
- - Roger reported that he had received all Mary’s remaining funds and supplies.
- - Roger picked up the order from Kinko’s, dealt with outstanding orders, and processed more.
- Agenda Item 3: Server Project – Discussion
- - The server report was linked off the agenda.
- - Basically, Brent is waiting for a desktop computer so that a cable modem and software can be installed.
- - He then has to talk with Gerard about the server connection.
- Agenda Item 4: Ongoing Projects – Discussion
- - Acreage Project – spring planting going ahead. A well may be put in, if time permits.
- - Seed Team Project – Seed Team pretty well inactive, no requests for seeds lately.
- - Short-Wave Radio Project - basically no change, station standing ready to serve when needed. The full report was linked off the agenda.
- Agenda Item 5: May Board Meeting – Discussion and Vote
- - After some discussion it was agreed that we should schedule the Board meeting for 25 May.
- - We did not feel we needed a vote or a motion, since everyone was in agreement.
The Booklet Project was again re-visited at Jan’s request, since he had lost his Internet connection before managing to voice his suggestion. Given the number
of Booklets we still have and given the time remaining, Jan thought it would be a good idea to send the Board Members about ten each, so they could hand
them out as needed. In the end it was decided that any Board Member wishing to receive Booklets should email Roger privately.
The meeting was officially adjourned at approximately 19:25, UT.