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Petty Cash Bylaws

Current Bylaws:

Article 6: Funds, Section 9: Petty Cash Accounts

Petty cash accounts for purchases under $500 may be maintained with Debit/Credit Cards issued by the official bank of Troubled Times, Inc. The bank statement then becomes the inherent receipt for all such petty cash expenditures. Debit/Credit Cards will only be issued to members of Troubled Times, Inc. duly appointed to positions of responsibility by the Board of Directors, and at the Treasurer’s discretion.

Proposed Amendment:

Article 6: Funds, Section 9: Petty Cash Accounts

Petty cash accounts for purchases under $500 may be maintained with Debit/Credit Cards issued by the official bank of Troubled Times, Inc. or paid by other means such as checks. The bank statement or canceled checks then becomes the inherent receipt for all such petty cash expenditures. Debit/Credit Cards will only be issued to members of Troubled Times, Inc. duly appointed to positions of responsibility by the Board of Directors, and at the Treasurer’s discretion.