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On Nov 27, 2004 the Zetas described the Earth wobble that had begun in 2004 as a result of Planet X pushing daily at the magnetic N Pole of Earth.
- The polar wobble that began in November is the first sign of the Earths participation in the slow 270° Roll that Planet X does to position itself, magnetically, above the Ecliptic rather than below the Ecliptic. It is caused, as we explained, by the magnetic N. Pole of Earth avoiding any exposure to the emerging N. Pole of Planet X. As the Earth normally rotates around its geographic N. Pole, the magnetic N. Pole is exposed for half the day, and then hidden for the other half of the day. This initially results in a Drunken Lurch to push the magnetic N. Pole out of view, a twice a day polar wobble, but rapidly evolves into twirl. This is due to the magnetic N. Pole being either to the right or left of the geographic N. Pole as the globe turns, responding to the emerging hose of magnetic particles from the N. Pole of Planet X as it turns about, in place.
- ZetaTalk Twirling into Darkness, written Nov 27, 2004
Where the Figure 8 of the daily wobble was documented by observation of the position of constellations and the Azimuth of sunrise and sunset locations, there are other indicators of the increasing force of the daily polar wobble. For instance, crane collapse.
- NYC Crane Collapses into Street, Kills 2 Workers
May 30, 2008- A construction crane snapped and smashed into an apartment building with a thunderous roar Friday, killing two workers in the city's second such tragedy in 2 1/2 months and renewing fears about the safety of hundreds of cranes towering over the New York skyline. The collapse happened despite stepped-up inspections and a shake-up in the city Buildings Department after the earlier accident, which killed seven people in March. The 200-foot crane fell apart on Manhattan's Upper East Side, where contractors were building a 32-story luxury condo complex, about 12 stories high. The turntable popped off - even though there are 16 bolts that hold it down. It could be an issue with the bolts. The turntable is a piece of equipment that helps the crane rotate. If an operator tries to lift a load that is too heavy, too fast, it could pull the rig over or cause it to sway dangerously. Stopping short while swinging a very heavy load could cause the same problem, as could having a big load suddenly drop off the end of the crane.
- Three Injured, Two Critically, in Black Thunder Crane Accident
May 31, 2008
http://www.casperstartribune.net/articles/2008/05/31/- The world's largest crane in handling capacity collapsed Saturday near Wright, sending three injured people - two critically - to hospitals and blocking a rail line at the Black Thunder coal mine. The 2.7 million-pound crane, owned and operated by the Kennewick, Wash.-based Lampson International, was moved to the site in April. The accident occurred at 12:20 pm. The mine will be shut down while agency officials conduct an investigation.
Per the Zetas, cranes are particularly susceptible to a sudden sway in the Earth, as they are not prepared to tip sideways during operation.
- Birds, and airplanes in flight can adjust when buffeted about by wind currents by lowering their wings or flaps, tilting upward or downward, and increasing speed. This works unless the bird or plane does not have the air space to maneuver and crashes into the ground before an adjustment is possible. Fish, seals and submarines in the oceans likewise have many maneuvers to reposition themselves when encountering unexpected currents. Losing balance, even being tipped upside down, is not fatal as long as there is room to maneuver. Cranes are different, as being secured at the base they lack maneuverability. Cranes are structured to be able to off-set the weight of the load by the weight of the crane's ballast. This operation assumes that both the load and the ballast can rely upon the crane's center to be solidly secure.
The Earth is currently experiencing a daily wobble, as has been much discussed. What this does to planes in the air is create more air currents. What this does to fish in the sea is create more erratic tides. But what this does to cranes is off-set the delicate balance that is at the heart of crane operation. Unlike the birds in the sky or the fish in the sea, the crane cannot maneuver to rebalance itself once it starts to tip sideways. Gravity takes over, and pulls the crane to the side, an angle the crane is not prepared to expect. Cranes expect the load and ballast to be the issue, and if the ballast is not sufficient to lift the load, the load simply does not lift. Once the load is in the air, the crane can swing round to the side, slowly, but the movement does not change the essential dynamics of crane operations - that the sum weight of the load and ballast are focused down onto the crane base, with no side to side stress on this base.
A tightrope walker can adjust to a stepping error or gust of wind by shifting the pole the walker carries. But if the wind is too strong, or the misstep too great, balance is lost. The Earth wobble is like a gust of wind for a crane, in that the base is moved, suddenly, to one side, leaving the load and ballast off-center. This is a stress the crane was not designed to sustain, and bolts and cables snap. Our analysis will be ridiculed, as those who do not want to realize that the Earth is in the grip of an approaching planet that will literally turn their lives upside down resist this realization. But an analysis will show that in all other cases there is room to maneuver. Elevators allow for sway in the car as wind can cause a tall building to sway. Cars and trucks on the road have no more stress during such a wobble than they would experience rounding curves in the road. Bridges have flex points that allow the bridge to expand or contract in the cold. Only cranes require that their base not be buffeted, by anything, during operation.- ZetaTalk: Crane Accidents, written June 7, 2008