Planet X: VIEWING Specs 10/26/2002
Planet X is rapidly inbound at this time, and can now be viewed and
imaged in amateur scopes. See the TEAM section
to view images taken with a filter FOR red light, with a 11.8” scope
capable of going down to Magnitude 14.7. Planet X is appearing AT
the coordinates in light that comes directly to the scope, not bending,and
also offset from the coordiantes in red light that bends toward the gravity
of the Earth. Depending upon the hemisphere, the time of viewing, and
the date, this red light persona will appear placed where the strong pull
of the core of the earth has placed it. Specific examples on imaging
taken on Sep 21, Oct 4, and Oct 11 are available as links from the
TEAM page. A measureable increase in brightness occurred during
these imaging dates.
In anticipation of a rapid approach during the next 7 months leading up
to the Point of Passage shortly after May 15, 2003, these Viewing Specs
will emphasize what amateurs, and then everyman even without the
benefit of a scope, might look for. Viewers should look for themSELVES,
not relying on what others say, as empowering the public with the right
to know what is coming at them, the right to know what will change their
lives shortly, and the right to make personal decisions about their lives
and the lives of their loved ones is NOT something the establishment
wants to allow. They know, NASA knows, but you don’t get to know
because they don’t want your messy panic. So look for yourSELF.
Relevant information on this inbound smoldering brown dwarf, due
for a passage past Earth shortly after may 15, 2003, can be found on
the web at:
Planet X as a SMOLDERING Planet
Planet X as a RED Planet
Planet X Distance, Speed, thus SIZE
Planet X and the PASSAGE Path
Coordinates are given periodically by the Zetas, a historical
list available, and should be converted from the decimal
format given by the Zetas.
RA 4.400546 Dec 12.13745 Oct 25, 2002
RA 4.400057 Dec 12.13215 Nov 6, 2002
ZetaTalk™, Sep 15, 2002
RA 4.38667 Dec 12.12537 Nov 15, 2002
RA 4.37992 Dec 12.12499 Nov 20, 2002
RA 4.37757 Dec 12.12323 Dec 6, 2002
RA 4.37531 Dec 12.12103 Dec 18, 2002
ZetaTalk™, Oct 26, 2002
RA 4.29741 Dec 9.96621 on March 3, 2003
ZetaTalk™, 1997
When the passage is due in 2003, there is an exponential
increase in speed during the last years ...
ZetaTalk™: in Distance
Weeks Px Dist in Dist in
to go Date S-P Unit B. mls.
39 8/7/02 6.68259 24.558
26 11/7/02 5.2965 19.464
13 2/7/03 3.1865 11.71
Table of Distances, by Robert
The speed of Planet X is suffient to move it from
one side of Saturn's orbit to the other in 3 short months.
ZetaTalk™: Slowing Influences
The Zetas have said Planet X will transverse
from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other
in 3 short months. 818,342 mph!
Assuming the viewable swirl of red dust and moon
being 4 times the Planet X body size, the swirl
would be, on Sep 15, 2002:
3% the size of Jupiter
33% the size of Uranus
15 times the size of Pluto
Computed Size, by Jim