Articles & Books
- Earth Food Spirulina
- 4th Edition 1997, by Robert Henrikson, who pioneered algae as aworld resource for 20 years, and is the
President of a major algae company and a director of the world's largest spirulina farm. This easy-to-read
book has over 160 charts, tables and photographs. Pub. by Ronore Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 1188, Kenwood,
CA 95452 USA. Clean water, bubbling CO2 up through the water; using mineral nutrients like nitrogen,
potassium, iron and essential trace elements rather than manure; avoiding chemical weed treatment by
controlling and balancing the pond ecology; large paddlewheels in each pond.
- Spirulina National Symposium (India)
- by C.V. Seshadri and N. Jeeji Bai. 1992. Pub. by Shri Amm Murugappa Chettiar Research Center (MDRC),
Madras, India.
- Algoculture: Spirulina, hope for a hungry world
- by Ripley D. Fox. 1986. Pub. by Edisud, Aix-en-Province, France (in French).
- Biotechnology & Utilization of Algae: The Indian Experience
- by L.V. Venkataraman and E.W. Becker. 1985. Pub. by Sharada Press, Mangalore, India.
- Production of high quality spirulina at Earthrise Farms
- by Amha Belay and Yoshimichi Ota. 1994. Pub. in Proc. of Second Asia Pacific Conference on Algal
Biotech. Univ. of Malaysia. USA.
- Spirulina, Algae of Life
- April 1993. Bulletin Special No. 12. Pub. by Institute Oceanographique, Monaco.
- Spirulina. A Good Health Guide
- by Jack Joseph Challem. 1981. Pub. by Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT. USA.
- Spirulina, the Whole Food Revolution
- by Larry Switzer. 1982. Pub. by Bantam Books, NY. USA.
- The Spirulina Cookbook
- by Sonia Beasley. 1981. Pub. by Univ. of the Trees, Boulder Creek, CA. USA.
- The Spirulina Diet
- by Saundra Howard. 1982. Pub. by Lyle Stuart, Secacus, NJ. USA.