- If the sun sets over our breakfast cereal, we might all be cookoo for a while. All kinds of unusual events can add
to stress levels; especially if they come close together. The impact of post-traumatic stress is minimized by a
procedure called Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, which involves a person in a counseling role facilitating the
victim's sharing and cathartic responding of the experience(s). Mental and emotional preparations are essential,
but none of us can know how effectively prepared we are in this area until the contents of the trench hit the
windmill blades.
- Offered by Granville.
- Well for starters you keep everyone busy so as to take their mind off the situation. You must have someone in a
leadership role who can keep the group working. If people just sit around they will dwell on their situation
instead of working to better it. If you prepare ahead of time and plan for various scenarios so you know what to
expect that might help; it's those who never saw it coming who will be in the worst shape.
- Offered by Mike.
- This is one of the most important things we do here in Troubled Times, in my opinion, provide practical solutions
that folks can do and therefore they mobilize rather than agonize.
- Offered by Nancy.