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Emu oil comes from the rendered fat of the emu, which is filtered and treated to remove all proteins, bacterial, and particulate matter. After this treatment the oil is odorless and either a clear liquid or a cloudy cream depending on the ambient temperature. For centuries, the indigenous people of Australia, and subsequently the white settlers, have used this oil for a variety of skin conditions. It has been frequently tested by government and private laboratories and found to contain a number of fatty acids, ranging from Palmitic to Eicosenoic that give it its unique qualities. It contains no steroids or hormones and when suitably treated, no bacteria.

Dr. George Hobday MD conducted the first recorded emu oil trials in Australia. His clinical experiences observed that its two major attributes were anti-inflammatory and its ability to penetrate the skin. He also concluded that it appeared to provide protection. He identified the following applications where emu oil was effective: Excema; Keloids; Burns; Joint Pain, Growing Pains, Bruising, Muscle Pain, and Wounds. Ongoing studies at Harner Burn Center at Lubbock Texas are finding the healing process is accelerated.

Relief from Arthritis Found in Emu Oil

This unique all-natural oil contains large amounts of linolenic and oleic acids which are very powerful pain relievers and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, studies conducted by Dr. Paul Smith, professor of pathobiology at Auburn University, concluded that emu oil can travel deeper into the soft muscle tissue of the body, and at a rate more than twice as fast as mineral oil which is the main ingredient in many pain relief and skin care products.

Dr. Michael Holick, professor of medicine, physiology, and dermatology at Boston University Medical Center has discovered several positive effects of emu oil on the body. According to Holick, emu oil produced a twenty percent increase in healthy skin cell production and an eighty percent increase in hair growth, which is promising news for people with wrinkles, stretch marks, hair loss and skin disorders like Eczema and Psoriasis.
