- Aug 28 NOON in Poland : 1 minutes LATE
- Shadow check Krakow, Poland * time the shadow arrive same position AUG28- 11:10 -22 from last * shadow of Krakow moving
distance(for 30 minute) AUG28 - 16 mm ( 11:00-11:30) Sun transit12:01 -5 from last CHANGE +16Last -22 +5Transit = 1L
- Aug 28 NOON in Ontario : 6 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto Ontario, Sunny/clear, 2pm 15L, 3pm missed, 4pm 57L, 5pm 63L, 6pm, 1L
- Aug 28 NOON in Virginia : 9 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached my noon shadow baseline at 1:09PM on 8/28 in VA - 9 minutes LATE. Compass read true noon at 12:50PM.
Distinct shadows both times.
- Aug 28 NOON in Texas#2 : 58 minutes LATE
- On Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003, in El Paso, Texas, the Sun arrived at the noon position at 1405 hours. Per One_Day site, including
DST, sunrise at 6:21, sunset at 6:35 midpoint in day (high noon) would be 1:07, so 58 minutes late!
- Aug 28 SunSET in Ontario : 1 minutes LATE
- From Toronto Ontario, Sunny/clear, 9am 64E, 10am 50E, 11am 47E, 12pm 45E, 1pm 6E [Note: adjusted for season change.]
- Aug 28 SunSET in Warsaw : 9 minutes LATE
- [GMT is +01:00 for Warsaw] The first time is hour, when the sun should be down behind the horizon and the second hour - when it
really was.19:31 - was down 19:40 28.08.03y.