- Sep 16 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 7 minutes LATE
- Sept. 16 the sun was 7 minutes late in rising.
- Sep 16 SunRISE in Missouri#2 : 25 minutes LATE
- Missouri #2 Sunrise 25 min late.
- Sep 16 NOON in Virginia : 5 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached my baseline at 1:05PM on 9/16 in VA - 5 minutes LATE. True noon via compass was 12:45PM.
- Sep 16 NOON in Missouri#2 : 9 minutes LATE
- Noon 9 min late.
- Sep 16 NOON in Houston : 19 minutes LATE
- The sun crossed the high noon marks today (16 SEP 03) in Houston, TX 19 minutes 27 seconds late. Still going against what the
analemma curves predict (approx 5 minutes earlier crossing if we were at the equator and not at 30 North Latitude). Interestingly enough,
the US Naval Sun/ Moon Rise table shows that the Sun should be directly overhead at 13 hours 16 minutes and 30 seconds DST in
Houston (this figure arrived at by taking the average of the sunrise time and the sunset time). So taking all of this into account, the Sun is
2 minutes 57 seconds later than even the US Government says it should be. Going to be interesting I suspect!
- Sep 16 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 9 minutes LATE
- Sunset 9 minutes late with a some real red afterwards for over 20 minutes. A BEAUTIFUL day. Clear skies. Pleasant temperatures.
- Sep 16 SunSET in Wisconsin : 16 minutes LATE
- Wisco Sunset 6:56 16 min LATE The following information is provided for Madison Thursday 18 September 2003 Central Daylight Time
Sunrise 6:40 a.m.