- Oct 24 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 4 minutes EARLY
- Oct.24 the sun rose 4 minutes early.
- Oct 24 SunRISE in El Paso : 3 minutes LATE
- Today, Friday, 10-24-03, in El Paso, the Sun rose at 7:17 hrs MDT, due East of the City. This is a 10 degree movement North on the
horizion since the 22nd. Navy time for sunrise is 7:14.
- Oct 24 NOON in Virginia : 4 minutes EARLY
- The Sun's shadow reached my baseline at 12:56PM on 10/24 in VA - 4 minutes EARLY. True noon via the compass occurred at 12:30PM.
Another unusual occurrence ... today the Sun is so low in the sky that during my measurements (between 12:03 and 12:15PM), I had to
wait for it to emerge from behind a pine tree across the street. My lamp post surface was completely shaded while the Sun was behind the
tree. Not a cloud in the sky. This did not happen yesterday-10/23.
- Oct 24 NOON in Kansas : 30 minutes LATE
- My noon marker is 30 minutes late today. For me here in Kansas this is significant. As you will recall I am usually within 5 minutes, early
or late, of my high noon (1:05) so I have had nothing significant to report. Yesterday I was 20 minutes early. Also, the Sun has moved. It is
more north, or we have tilted in a different direction, or are being pulled south more. I also have a line drawn showing the shadow of the
house at noon. It is lit up and past that point, yet my marker is late.
- Oct 24 NOON in El Paso : 83 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached the Noon position using magnetic North at 1330 hrs. Transit time 1250 hrs. So, 40 minutes late today. Using my old
mark, Noon arrived at 14:13 hrs. (I think there may have been a wobble about 1308-10. I had lined N/S on the compass base mid line on
the shadow I was using and needle moved from North 10 D East and then 10 D west and then back to North. This was the first time I
have seen this sort of needle movement happen.) Yesterday, Thursday, magnetic N noon was at 1323 hrs. Today was 7 min later.
- Oct 24 NOON in Seattle : 85 minutes LATE
- 10/24 Reading: 2:18 Chart: 12:53 85 minutes late
- Oct 24 SunSET in Kansas : 15 minutes LATE
- Sun set was late here. This came as a surprise to me, as I thought the sun would catch up for lost time. Sunset here was supposed to be
6:29. As best as I could judge, due to sudden heavy oncoming overcast, it was about 15 minutes late.