- Oct 28 SunRISE in El Paso : 6 minutes LATE
- This morning, Tuesday, 10-28-03, in El Paso, the Sunrise was at 6:20 hrs MST. There were low clouds at the eastern horizon as the sky
began to lighten and day dawn and the sky and clouds were bright red. More red than any previous dawn.
- Oct 28 NOON in Kansas : 0 minutes LATE
- As of October 27, 2003, I have added a new high noon time at 12:13 p.m. The other 2, Daily Adjusted Magnetic North and Noon Shadow
Marker remain the same at 12:05. Both marker times have been adjuted for new fall times. I will be reading from 3 different type
markers. I will send this same format each day. READINGS FOR OCTOBER 28, 2003 Daily Adjusted Magnetic North Marker @ 12:05
On time: 12:05. New Stationary Marker @ 12:13 On time: 12:13. Shadow Marker @ 12:05 Is late: I was unable to get time.
- Oct 28 NOON in Colorado : 28 minutes LATE
- I checked with the Navy site to see when Noon transit was expected for today, Oct. 28. Their site stated it as being 11:43 local time
(mountain) for my location in Colorado. Using a compass and a nail, transit did not occur until 12:11. A full 28 minutes.
- Oct 28 NOON in El Paso : 84 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached the noon position at 1220 hrs using magnetic North. Transit time 1149 hrs.