- Dec 17 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 11 minutes EARLY [1E]
- Dec. 17 the sun rose 11 minutes early.
- Dec 17 SunRISE in Mexico : 19 minutes LATE
- Oaxaca Mexico sun rising at 7:20AM today when it was 3 weeks ago at 7:00AM, per Navy Sunrise 07:01
- Dec 17 NOON in Mexico : 7 minutes LATE
- Oaxaca Mexico at noon the sun is now at 12:40 and on the evening and the mornings are getting red, and pink, today it is december 17
2003, when sometimes at 11:30 am i turn my sight to the sun very fast i can see something strange over the sun.. Per Navy Sun transit
- Dec 17 NOON in Kansas : 46 minutes LATE [0L]
- READINGS FOR DECEMBER 17, 2003 Same @ 12:59 46 min
- Dec 17 NOON in Seattle : 109 minutes LATE [0L]
- 12/17 Reading: 1:54 Chart: 12:05 Seattle
- Dec 17 SunSET in Seattle#2 : 39minutes LATE [1L]
- Seattle slowing has advanced to 39 plus min. Unusual cloud cover here, last few days, lots of Chem Trails to obscure. Sunny and clear
today, I suspect for the Air Shows. The Sun was a Monster!
- Dec 17 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 44 minutes LATE [0L]
- Dec. 17 the sunset was 44 minutes late in finishing. Lots of red pink clouds at sunset these days.