- June 25 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 25 minutes LATE
- Per the US Naval Observatory the sunrise should have been @ 6:08am however by my PC & TV it rose at 6:25am but by the battery clock
(which I set to the PC & TV about 2 months ago!) is about 8 to 10 minutes faster than the PC clock and the sun rose @ 6:33am. So by my
calculations the sun was between 17 & 25 minutes late depending on which clock you choose to trust.
http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/RS_OneDay.html Sunrise 6:08 AM
- June 25 SunRISE in Wisconsin : 35 minutes LATE
- Sunrise 35 minutes late, at 6:45 AM at the point it was on May 15 at 6:10 AM.
- June 25 SunRISE in Florida : 10 minutes LATE
- Actual Sunrise 6:48 Scheduled Sunrise 6:38 = 10 minutes late
- June 25 NOON in Oklahoma : 32 minutes LATE
- Sundial report: Shadow crossing over even later. 1:24PM by PC and 1:32PM by battery clock.
- June 25 NOON in Missouri : 9 minutes LATE
- Noon sun is in the same place last 3-4 days, IF that is late.
- June 25 NOON in Florida : 35 minutes LATE
- Actual Midday 1:35= 2 minute slowdown from June 24 1:33 reading
- June 25 SunSET in Virginia : 15 minutes EARLY
- The Sun set in VA 15 minutes early on June 25 (allowing time for it to sink to the horizon behind the trees.)
- June 25 SunSET in Texas : 10 minutes EARLY
- Sun set 10 min early in Waco, TX today.
- June 25 SunSET in Florida : 4 minutes LATE
- Actual Sunet 8:33 Scheduled Sunset 8:29 = 4 minutes late