Celistine Properties
Celistine Properties is a concept for New-Age disaster proof communities patterned after
the nine insights from the Celistine Prophecies. This is a list of tasks or steps which need
to be taken to make this concept happen and be reproducible in many world locations. The
objective is to heal the soil from which springs and sustains all life on the earth. All
systems are interrelated in the web of life. Healthy top soils contain millions of organism
per handful. Pesticides and artificial fertilizers (and lack of compost and organic matter)
kill these necessary microbes. The soil will still bear crops but does not have natural
resistance to pests and disease. It also lacks the vital life force necessary for the human
immune system to function at maximum efficiency. Marginal crops result in poor health for
humans. We are what we eat.
- 60 to 400 acre sites for these organic farms and communities.
- Recycling arrangement with local waste management company for recycling,
processing, composting, fuel making, earth worm farming, chickens, turkey's, EMU's,
(free range).
- Recycling equipment, alcohol and methane production equipment. Tractors, spreaders
of compost, farming equipment, barns, houses, domes, green houses, shrimp ponds,
catfish ponds, crawfish, alligators, (buffalo maybe). Electric tractors, trucks and farm
machinery using MHD generators (currently being developed and patented soon).
- Starglow home energy systems (MHD), solar powered (grid backup), Skywell Water
supply for off the grid existence, if necessary or desired.
- Model for solution to homeless problem, take off of old county poor farm of the 19th
century. Dome residence, both dormitories and townhouse residences for more
permanent farm hands. Should help with welfare and unemployment situation. Job
training and computer skills will be offered as well as training for special Super Kid
Academy pre-school program (teaches kids from 1 to 6 how to read, do math and
remember encyclopedic knowledge with functional IQ's of 200 in the form of parent
child games and interaction) as well as continuing adult education programs.
- Possible associate with Ronald MacDonald House (Ranch) and or Sheriff's Ranch or
something related, where psychological counseling of troubled kids, abused or even
battered mothers and children can find shelter, work with animals around the farm for
therapy and self worth identification. The animals give an unconditional love and
acceptance of the teenager which he may have never have had from his parents or
anyone in his life. This is often the first break through the child receives in his
recovery and has been successfully used in many, many situations. They benefit
therapeutically and also help run the farm (Earth-4-U).
- I would like to create many of these small organic farm/dome communities in safe
areas all over the US and then the world. Sales of inventions manufactured such as
our Skywell water machines that condense water directly from the air in high volume
and at lost cost (1/2 cent per 1,000 gallons) and the large size which can produce
280,000 gallons of almost 100% pure water a day at 70% humidity ( up to 100,000
gallons a day even in deserts) will revolutionize the agricultural industry and free
mankind to expand in currently almost uninhabited areas of our planet. This is a
project we plan to began within 8 months if all goes well.
Want to be a part of this movement? If interested contact Celistine Properties.