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Celistine Properties

Celistine Properties is a concept for New-Age disaster proof communities patterned after the nine insights from the Celistine Prophecies. This is a list of tasks or steps which need to be taken to make this concept happen and be reproducible in many world locations. The objective is to heal the soil from which springs and sustains all life on the earth. All systems are interrelated in the web of life. Healthy top soils contain millions of organism per handful. Pesticides and artificial fertilizers (and lack of compost and organic matter) kill these necessary microbes. The soil will still bear crops but does not have natural resistance to pests and disease. It also lacks the vital life force necessary for the human immune system to function at maximum efficiency. Marginal crops result in poor health for humans. We are what we eat.

Want to be a part of this movement? If interested contact Celistine Properties.
