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Things to consider.

Purchase property: Before you even go to look at property to purchase, take some time and sit down with a paper and pen. Write out everything that you would like your property to have. Ask yourself all the pertinent questions and list your answers.

Once you have your list, you can call any real estate company and ask for some listings that include (or come close to) everything you want. When you go to look at the properties from the list, make sure that you look at and consider at least three different lots. Once you have found three that you think might suit you, then wait a day or two and go back to each one and spend a bit of time there. Find out how the property feels to you and whether or not you are comfortable there. Maybe even call the realty office and get permission to camp out on the property for a weekend. Please remember that when you buy a piece of land, you are committing to spend a good portion of your life there.

Establish utilities (water source, solar power, etc.): When you are considering a piece of property for purchase, check to see how you would lay it out for the best benefit to you and your family. Look around at some of the neighboring land sites.

These are all things you will want to consider before you begin excavation to install your utility services.

Offered byLyn.
