License Types
The following is a list of amateur operator licenses including requirements and privileges. As you can see, the only
no code license is the Technician. All others require at least 5 wpm.
- Novice
- code test at 5 wpm. written novice theory and regulations (Element 2). Telegraphy on 3675 - 3725KHz,
7100-7150KHz, and 21100-21200KHz with 200 watts PEP output maximum; telegraphy,RTTY and data on
28100-28300KHz and telegraphy and SSB voice on 28300-28500KHz with 200 watts PEP max; all amateur
modes authorized on 220- 225 MHz, 25W PEP max; all amateur modes authorized on 1270 - 1295 MHz, 5 w
PEP max.
- Technician
- no code test. Novice theory and regulations; Technician-level theory and regulations (Elements 2 and 3A). All
amateur privileges above 50 MHz.
- Technician Plus
- code test at 5 wpm. Novice theory and regulations; Technician level theory and regulations (Elements 2 and
3A). All Novice HF privileges in addition to all Technician privileges.
- General
- 13 wpm code test. Novice theory and regulations; Technician and General theory and regulations (Elements 2,
3A and 3B). All amateur privileges except those reserved for Advanced and Amateur Extra class. See below.
- Advanced
- 13 wpm code test. All lower exam elements, plus Advanced theory (Elements 2, 3A, 3B and 4A) All amateur
privileges except those reserved for Amateur Extra Class. See below.
- Amateur Extra
- 20 wpm code test. All lower exam elements, plus Extra class theory (Elements 2, 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B). All
amateur privileges.
- Note: Frequencies reserved for Extra class:
- 3500-3525KHz CW,RTTY and data only
- 7000-7025KHz CW,RTTY and data only
- 1400-14025KHz CW,RTTY and data only
- 21000-21025 CW,RTTY and data only
- 2800-28100KHZ CW,RTTY and data only
- 3750-3775KHz CW, phone and image
- 14150-14175KHz CW, phone and image
- 21200-21225KHz CW, phone and image
- Note: Frequencies reserved for Extra and Advanced:
- 3775-3850 KHZ CW, phone and image
- 7150-7227 KHZ CW, phone and image
- 14175-14225 KHZ CW, phone and image
- 21225-21300 KHZ CW, phone and image
All amateur bands above 10 meters allow all modes and license classes except for 50.0-50.1 MHz and
144.0-144.1 MHz allow CW only.
Offered by Ron.
WB5KAN - General Class