Sunset Photo Attempt on May 4, 2003
Evening Photos From north Athens, Greece (on Parnitha mountain 1500 meters high)
- This time I deside to go Late afternoon for an evening sighting. The time supose to start picturing the area acording to my
software was 8:15 PM. But ... the sun full me.. as I thought Ill see the sun all the way down. So there was a hill not visible in first
place, and then I realise that the sun slowing hiding behind the invisible hill. As you see in photos, so I deside to not let the
oportunity go away and I took some photos and a video. I can't see anything credible in photos, and not supose to I guess. 4th of
May 2003. Time was around 7:50 PM.
- Sotos, on his Web Site