- SOHO covers the real picture?
- Marie, from Prague
- Check out Oct 8th at 07:00. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-eit_171.html Sun was 2 times as bright around 4-5 PM PST Oct 8. I saw it myself. The German website shows the event - can´t call it a flare - it is still ongoing C3 http://star.mpae.gwdg.de/cgi-bin/java_movie2.cgi?sgf+3+c3+30 How can Germans have different data than SOHO? Same source, right? They share the satellite in a joint program. It says Lasco. But I bet the Europeans have different management, and now, obviously, different photos. We are being given 2 sets of information here!
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