Answer 2
- We all get the same thing - different colors depending on the temperature, length of time in process, quality of the
distilled water, Spacing of electrodes, and voltage used. There may be other factors also. You can use an
electrode until it disappears or dissolves and falls off. This is providing you have pure silver and not something
that is silver plated. I believe the cloudiness in your case is just more silver, or longer processing. Just let it sit
overnight and pore off the top after a few days if you are worried. If you try to use normal tap water then you
will get some really cloudy mix that you will not want to drink. Otherwise if there is no chlorine in solution and
you are using the best distilled water you can find, this would be the lowest resistance using an ohm meter, then
you are probably fine and have normal silver solution like the rest of us. I have let it run at times until it gets
greyish black, filtered it, and let it set and used it. Different temperatures give different results. This could be the
major factor in your case. You dont need to keep the process warm; once the process starts, you don't need
the heat. You may want to get a laser pointer to see how many particles you are putting into solution. The more
the beam is stopped the more PPM in the solution.
- Mike