What could we recommend? In Troubled Times we cover now or will cover what the individual, group can
and should do. What we don't cover is what the governments and industry leaders should do. Governments (all
levels - central or local) responsibility is:
- Create a "pole shift individuals overwhelmed help center": For individuals who are overwhelmed and in
apathy, fear, terror, suicidal, hopeless panic, or simply just don't know what to do next - to call and get
help. The help they get is education on what can be done to help their survival. This is done individually,
with classes, and on TV for the general public. This educational function to replace panic with how to
survive is sponsored at all levels of government from central to local on down to privet enterprise.
- All educational institutions to immediately offer mandatory pole shift survival courses to include but not
limited to primitive survival, how to grow food, hydroponics, electrical power generation and
maintenance, radio communication equipment maintenance and operation, emergency health, building
survival housing, emergency transportation methods.
- Build a list of vital companies and organizations. Encourage and help plan to move to safer ground
manufacturing and service companies near the coast or on the edge of Tectonic plates. The employees
will follow where the work goes. Encourage all to move away from the coast. Assist by funding and/or
planning assistance for moving companies vital to food, energy, health, housing, and transportation. Let
the rest decide for themselves what to do.
- Create a program that connects people in the cites who wish to move and live with farmers who have
land but need technical help and or physical labor to convert to hydroponics and indoor farming.
- As non-vital manufacturing, survive is phased out, create a program that allows personnel to be
re-educated and matched to new jobs.
- Encourage and allow emergency self governing organizations to exist at the lowest level and all levels
in-between. Help create self governing groups. Push the power down to the lowest levels for observing,
recommend, decide and acting. Tell every one there will be no central or local governments for a while
after the pole shift. All hats, Police, fire, emergency health, road construction, shipping (trucking), etc.
must be done at a very local sometimes individual level.
- Fund or encourage developing in the private sector better manufacturing and products relating to
emergency shelters, energy sources, housing, and transportation.
- Plan and publish which roads, oil wells, water sources, and power plants are being planed to be rebuild
first. Set aside the personnel and equipment and strategically locate them and there families before the
pole shift to accomplish the task. Pre-pay them if necessary by providing quarters (or other means) for
them and there family. Push the organization and control and participation of this to the lowest level. but
insure no vital actions are not without backup personnel and planning. Central Governments to insure
coordination. Local self governing personal to accomplish the tasks.
- Provide a common public network (Internet like) for computer and communications based on radio short
wave technology. This would proved a common Internet capability for the pubic and governments by use
of short wave repeaters if necessary. This would be available for each survival site. It would replace
telephones, mail and all other forms of communication for a while. Governments would help organize and
prepare all hams for the task of keeping this going. Government stays in communications after the pole
shift with the remote repair tasks to ensure the roads get rebuilt and the power plants get back into
operation etc. Pole Shift Situation news site on the Internet showing what roads work, where there is food
and water and power and who needs help, etc. Is kept up to date by the government and private enterprise
working together.
- Initially, keep existing programs going but ramp down funding and phase out non-essential to survival
actions and funding.
- Tell the populace for a while everyone will be on there own. To prepare for your own emergency food,
health, and shelter etc.
Offered by Mike.