Good and Bad
Positive sides of the Pole Shift
Mourn not for those that live, nor those that die.
Nor I, nor thou, nor any one of these,
Ever was not, nor ever will not be,
For ever and for ever afterwards.
All, that doth live, lives always! To man's frame
As there come infancy and youth and age,
So come there raisings-up and layings-down
Of other and of other life-abodes,
Which the wise know, and fear not. This that irks-
Thy sense-life, thrilling to the elements-
Bringing thee heat and cold, sorrows and joys,
'Tis brief and mutable! Bear with it, Prince!
As the wise bear. The soul which is not moved,
The soul that with a strong and constant calm
Takes sorrow and takes joy indifferently,
Lives in the life undying!
Bhagavad Gita
Although an old Chinese saying goes "the only constant
thing in man's life is change", the majority of people
are still afraid of changes in their lives. The greater the the
change, the greater the fear. Where the Pole Shift represents BIG
change, the great fear of many is understood. Just like with
other changes, there will be some good points to the Aftertime,
- One thing many of our little ones miss out on is
something that more primitive cultures and earlier times
included - mixing the young and old, as they have so much
to give each other. In the Aftertime, there will be more
time for these things, and living together in large
extended family type groups. No travel will be possible,
nor staring at the TV, no insular little families. The
young will seldom be without a lap or without someone
wanting to bask in their curiosity and natural
- We will become more "social" by necessity. The
elders will once again be respected for their experience
and knowledge and not considered to be society's refuse.
Children will also be respected because of their energy
and "promise" - they will not be reduced to
cute little fluffs in society. Thus, the importance of
homegrown talent will be seen as essential! We will need
the singers, poets, drama people, comedians, etc.
- Many people fear for what life will be, when there are no
institutions to hold on to. However, as we say, "necessity
is a mother of invention". Therefore, people
will become less pasive and start to act on their own.
And as many institutions do a better job of holding you
back instead of supporting you, this will equalize. Don't
you have some "I would do it, but..." in
your life? Well, many of these things will be possible in
the Aftertime.
- While the Pole Shift itself will be a shock, life in the
Aftertime, after you settle down, will be less stressfull
than the present. No more waking up early in the morning,
eating fast, running to catch your bus and being late at
school or work anymore. You will be finally able to live
at your own rate, instead of always running behind some
"fast developing modern life" that many times
drag you away from what you really want to be.
All in all, it won't be that bad, will it?
Offered by Kiko.